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The French metric system of weights and measures was established by law in I860, but has not yet come into general use.

Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Peru.

1. Official Publications.

Anales de la dictadura. Coleceion de documentos oficiales de la jefetura suprema del Coronel Mariano I. Prado. Entregas 1-15. Lima, 1866-8.

Eeglamento de eomereio de la Repiiblica del Peru. 4. Lima, 1864.

Report by Mr. Middleton, H. M.'s Secretary of Legation, on the Public Re- venue and Expenditure of Peru, dated February 25, 1867; in 'Reports by H. M.'s Secretaries of Embassy and Legation.' No. V. 1S67. London, 1867.

Report of Mr. Consul Cocks on the Trade of Peru for 1864, in ' Commercial Reports received at the Eoreign Office.' 8. London, 1865.

Report of Mr. Consul Wilthew on the Trade of Peru for 1865, in ' Commer- cial Reports received at the Foreign Office.' 8. London, 1866.

Report by Mr. J. H. McColley, U. S. Consul at Callao, on the Trade, Industry, and Agriculture of Peru, dated Sept. 30, 1867 ; in ' Commercial Relations of the United States with Foreign Nations.' 8. Washington, 1868.

2. Non-Official Publications.

Cabello (Pedro M.), Guia politica eclesiastica y militar del Peru, para el ano de 1869. 12. Lima, 1869.

Grandidicr (E.), Voyage dans l'Amerique du Sud, Perou et Bolivie. 8. Paris, 1863.

Fuentes (Manuel A.), Lima, or Sketches of the Capital of Peru : Historical, Statistical, Administrative, Commercial, and Moral. 8. London, 1866.

Hill (S. S.), Travels in Peru and Mexico. 2 vols. 8. London, 1860.

Menendcz (D. Baldomero), Manuel de geografia y estadistica del Peril. 12. Paris, 1862.

Odriozola (J.), Documentos historicos del Peru. 2 vols. 8. Lima, 1863-64.

Paz-Soldan (D. Mateo) Geografia del Peru. 8. Paris, 1863.

Rivero (Don Mariano de) and Tschudi (Joh. Jakob von) Antiguedades Peruanas. 4. Wien, 1851.

Soldau (M.), Geografia del Peril. 2 vols. 8. Paris, 1862.

Tschudi (Joh. Jakob von), Reisen durch Siidamerika. 5 vols. 8. Leipzig, 1866-68.