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Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Persia.

1. Official Publications.

Report, by Mr. Ronald F. Thomson, British Secretary of Legation, on the Population, Revenue, Military Force, and Trade of Persia, dated Tehran, April 20, 1868 ; in 'Reports of H. M.'s Secretaries of Embassy and Legation.' 8. No. 4. 1868.

Report by Mr. W. J. Dickson, British Secretary of Legation, on the Trade and Industry of Persia, dated GuLaheh, July 3. 1865 ; in 'Reports of H. M's Secretaries of Embassy and Legation.' No. XL 8. London, 1866.

Reports by Mr. Abbott, British Consul at Resht, and Consul-General at Tabreez, dated March 31, 1865, and April 30, 1866, on the Imports and Exports of Persia ; in ' Commercial Reports received at the Foreign Office, 1865-66.' 8. London. 1866.

Annual Statement of the Trade and Navigation of the United Kingdom. Imp. 4. London, 1870.

2. Non-Official Publications.

Blaramberq (General), Statistical Survey of Persia, made in the years 1837-40. (In Russian. - )' 8. St. Petersburg, 1853.

Blau (Dr. Otto), Commerzielle Zustande Persiens. 8. Berlin, 1858.

Bruqsch (Dr. Heinr.), Reise der k. preussischeu Gesandtsehaft nach Persien, 1860 und 1861. 2 vols. 8. Leipzig, 1864.

Eastvjick (E. B.), Journal of a Diplomate's Three Years' Residence in Persia. 2 vols. 8. London, 1864.

Kinneir (J. M.), Geographical Memoir of the Persian Empire. 4. London, 1813.

Polalc (Dr. Jak. Ed.), Persien. Das Land und seine Bewohner. Ethno- graphische Schilderungen. 2 vols. 8. Leipzig, 1865.

Skeil (Lady), Glimpses of Life and Manners in Persia. 8. London, 1856.

Spiegel (Friedrich) Eran : das Land zwischen Indus und Tigris. 8. Berlin, 1863.

Ussher (John), Journey from London to Persepolis. including AVanderings in Daghestan, Georgia, Armenia, Kurdistan, Mesopotamia, and Persia. 8. London. 1866.

Wheeler (Rev. C. H.) Ten years on the Euphrates. 16. Boston, 1868.