Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1913.djvu/1295

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Church are recognised and paid l.y the State. Tn 1908 there were 6,666 churches, 168 monasteries for either sex, and 11 mosques.

Education is free and compulsory ' wherever there are schools,' and it is iniproving from year to year. In 1909, according to a special census return, 60-16 percent, of the population over 7 years of age could neither read nor write; in 1909, 43-12 per cent., and in 1910, 41 percent, of the army recruits could neither read nor write. Following figures are statistics of public primary schools : —



Pupils 190S-r.9 1909-10

School population (7—14 years)

1908-09 1909-10

1903-09 1 1909-10



Rural pi-imary Urban ,,

. i 4,521 379

4,095 379

6,286 1,381

8,460 1,324

482,046 1 504,297 78,603 80,656

813,207 103,499


827,883 110,573

Total .

4,900 5,074

7,667 7,780

560,649 584,953


The secondary schools in 1906-07 were, for boys, 20 lyceums, 23 gym- nasiums and 4 seminaries, these 47 institutions having 873 teacheis and 14 016 pupils ; for girls 10 high schools with 161 teachers and 1,615 pupils ; 5 normal schools for men with 80 teachers and 1,136 students, and 2 for women with 34 teachers and 283 students ; 45 professional schools for boys with 209 teachers and 2,235 students, and 28 for girls with 283 teachers ; 12 commercial schools with 109 teachers and 1,431 pupils; 17 agricultural schools with 26 teachers aud 462 pupils ; 6 schools of domestic economy for frirls with 17 teachers and 118 pupils ; total pupils at boys' schools 19,280 ; at girls' schools 6,016, There are 2 universities with faculties m law, philosophy, science and medicine, and theology, at Bucarest (120 professors and 3,422 students) and Jassy (60 professors and 534 students). In 1907-8 there were 122 high schools for boys and 46 for girls.

Justice is administered by a court of cassation, 4 appeal courts, 34 tribunals, and 266 justices of' the peace. The total number of prisoners m custody during 1907 in the central prisons was 23,068, of whom 1,202 remained in prison on December 31. Assistance is given to the sick in 168 hospitals and hospices (departmental, communal, rural, and private).


The following table shows the revenue and expenditure (estimates for last 3 years) for yeai? ending March 31 (old style) :—

1908-09 1

1909-10 1

1910-11 1



Lei Lei ' Lei Lei ; Lei

Revenne ' 411011,035 ' 435,685,322 ! 461,079,942 | 478,395,230 505,646,930

Expenditure 408,741,268 | 428.648,945 j 461,079,942 | 478,395,230 505,646,930

» Includins railway hudsets ami other 1)udgets not formerly incorporated in tlie Stale hu.lget.