Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1235

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STATISTICAL A.VD OTHER BOOKS OF REFERENCE 1183 2. Non-Official Publications.

•■ El Comniercio Almanac." Annual. Lima.

Boletin de la .-oeiedad Geogranca de Lima. Half-yearly. Lima.— Boletin del Cnerpo de Ingenieros de Minas del Peru. Lima.

I'.'Jau.ds (V. A.), Nuestra Cuestion con Chile. Lima, 1919.

Bandelier (A. F). The Islands of Titicaca and Koati. New York, 1910. M (1.X The Andes of Sontheni Pern. New York, 1916.

Ci*nero$ (C. B.). and Qareia (R. E.\ £1 Peru en Europa. Lima, 1900.— Geo Coinercial de I Su-1. 3 vols. Lima — Guiadel Callao, Lima y sos Alrededorea.

Lima, lv.'S. lei Departamento de la Libertad. Lima, 1900.

geogrttea, estadistica del Departamento de!.;-:ia. [The <amt' button, togsttM oi separately, have published several other works on the commerce, products, and industries of Peru, notablv Ci*aero«(C B.), Sinopsis Estadistica del Peru. Lima, 1912.]

Knock (R. C), The Andes and the Amazon : Life and Travel in Peru. London, 1907 — Peru. London, 1908.

Qareia Calderon (F.), Le Perou Contemporain. Paris, 1907.

(rreulich (O), Peru. Zurich, 1

Guinea (GeralJine), V< y. People, and Religion. London, 1909.

Bainke (T. Lima, 1901.

Birtginton ( E). Mtnei and Mining in Peru. Lima, 190S.

J in t net. (Carlos P.). Estadistica Minera en 1917. Lima. WML

Laos (R.). A Handbook of Peru for Investors and Immigrants. Baltimore, 1903.

LavaU-(J. A), De Agrononiia Nacional. Lima. 191S.— Los caiacteres agroh'gicos de las tierras culnvadas en la ccsta del Peru, I

Slarkhom(C. R.). Travels in Peru and India. London, 1862.— Cuzco and Lima. London. Peru. London, 1881. —The War between Peru and Chili, 1879-81. London, 1863.— The lncas of Peru. ixirv

Martin I P.), Peru of the I wtr.tieth Century. London, 1911.

Xaurtua (V. U . ), The Question of the Pacific [on boundary disputes]. Philadelphia, 1901.

Mendiburu (M. c!e), Diccionario Historico-Biograficodel Peru. 8 vols. Callao, 1874-1890

Meyendorjf (Conrad de). L'Kmptrc du Soleil : Perou et Bolivie. Paris, 1909.

Paz Soldan (Mariano Felipe), Historia del Peru Independente. 3 vols. 18»S et $eq. — Diccionario Geofc'rafico Estadistico del Peru. 1877.

Plane (A.), A traversl'Amerique Equatoriale. Paris, 1903.

Prado (J. ). Estado Social del Peru durante la dominacion espanola. Lima, 1804.

Preseott (W. H.), History of the Conquest of Peru. London. Many editions.

Preutte-Sperber (O.). Peru. Eine Skizze seines wirtschsftlichen und staatlichen Lebens Frankfurt, 1913.

Ken-Moreno (G.), Ultimos Dias Coloniales en el Alto Peru, IS07-1808. Santiago de Chile, IS

Riva-Aguero (Jose), La Historia en el Peru. Lima, 1910.

Seebee(P.), Travelling Impressions in and Notes on Peru. 2nd ed. London, 1905.

8quier(E. G.), Peru: Incidents of Travels and Exploration in the Land of the lncas. London, 1877.

Tschudi (J oh. Jakob von), Reisen durch Sudainerika. 5 vols. Leipzig, 1866-68.

Urteago (H.), Colleccion de historiadores clasicos del Peru Vol. 1. Lima, 191S.

Vivian (E. C), Peru. London, 1914.

•' (Carlos), Las civilizaciones primitives del Peru. Lima, 1913.

iri>m>r (Charles}. Perou et Bolivie. Paris. 1880.

Wright (Marie Robinson), The Old and New Peru. Philadelphia and London, 1909.