Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1263

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Congregatious, viz., Holy Office, Consistorial, Discipline of the Sacraments, Council, Religious, Propaganda Fide, Index, Rites, Ceremonial, Ex- traordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs, Seminaries and Universities. Besides these there are several permanent Commissions, for example, one for Biblical Studies, another for Historical Studies, another for Preservation of the Faith in Rome, another for Codification of Canon Law. Furthermore, the Roman Curia contains three tribunals, to wit, the Apostolic Penitentiary, the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signature, and the Sacred Roman Rota ; and, lastly, various offices, as the Apostolic Chancery, the Apostolic Datary, the Apostolic Chamber, the Secretariate of State, etc.

The States wherewith the Holy See maintains diplomatic relations are Austria, Bavaria, Belgium. Czecho-Slovakia, France, Germany, Hungary, Yugo-Slavia, Monaco, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Rumania, Russia, Spain, and the United Kingdom (1914), together with most of the American Republics, except the United States and Mexico.

Within the British Emp -:itnumber of Roman Catholic residential sees U

•213, viz., 3S archbishoprics and 112 bishoprics, besides 64 aj>ostolie vicariates (mostly held by Bishops of titular sees), and 9 apostolic prefectures : while the Roman Catholic population subject to King Georse V. is estimated at 13,814,404 souls, of whom

  • 8H a;e in Europe: il.316.0o4 in Asia; 5*2,943. 'n Africa; 3,761, 914 in British

America; and 1,229,755 in Australasia. Throughout the world the Roman Catl.n'ic population is reckoned at 310,- - -. of whom 309,71S,779 are of the Latin Rite

(Catholic Directory, Loudon).

British Enron Extraordinary ami Minister Plenipotentiary. — Count de Salis, K.C.M.G., C. V.O. (Appointed December 2, 1916.) !ary to the British Mission. — H. H. Thynn. Honorary Attaches. — J. Wilson and H. Harris.

Books of Reference.

The Catholic Directory. London. Annual.

Orbis Catholieus. A Yen r Book of the Catholic World. Leamington. 1st year, 1916.

Codex Juris Canonici Pii P.mtidcis Maximi mssu digestus Beuedlcti Papa?XVauetoritate proiuulgatns (Pranatioue Eini Petri Card. Gasparri).

Addii(W\l\ E.) ana ArnnUt (Thos.), A Catholic Dictionary. 7th ed., revised by T. B. Scannell, D D. London, 1905.

AlUes [Thomas), The Formation of Christendom. 4th ed. 5 vols. London, 1904. Ac

Amiuario Pontiflcio (La Gerarchia Cattolica, I-a Curia Romana, etc. ). Annual, Rome.

ArwulliMi (Cav. Mariano), Le Chiese di Roma dal Secolo IV. al XIX. 2nd ed. Roma 1*91.— Gli antichi cimiteri cristiani di Roma e d'ltalia. Roma, 1893.

AtMDtanui (Joseph Alny-ius). Codex Liturgicus Ecclesiae Universae. 13 vols. Romae, 1750-66. New edition, Paris, 1602.

Brunengo (Giuseppe). Le Origini della Sovranita Teraporale dei Papi. Roma.

Cardella (Lorenzo), Memorie Storiche de'Canlinali della Santa Romana Chiesa. 9 vols. Roma, 179:

Cartvright (William Comwallis), On Papal Conclaves. Edinburgh, 1868.

Crittofori (Conte Francesco), Storia dei Cardinal! di Santa Romana Chiesa dal Secolo V. all" Anno del Signore MDCCCLXXXVIII. Roma 1888.

Dictionnairedes Cardinaux and Dictionnaire des Papes, forming vols, xxxi.and xxxii. of Migne's Souvelle Encyclopedic Theologique.

Duchetnt (Mgr. L.), Liber Pontificalis. 2 vols. Paris, 1886 -92.— Lea premiers temps de l'Etat pontifical. Paris, 1898 [English translation by A. H. Mathew. London, 1908].— Les Origines du culte Chretien. 3rd ed. Paris, 1902.

OregorotiuM (Ferd), Geschichte der Stadt Rom im Mittelalter. 4th ed. 8 vols. Stuttgart. 1886-96. [English translation bv Annie Hamilton. 8 vols. London, 1902.]. — Die Grabdenkmaler der Papste. 2nd and enlarged edition. Leipzig, 1881. [English translation by R. W. 8et«nWatson. Westminster, 190S].

Gri«ar(Hartmann, S. J). Geschichte Roms und der Papste im Mittelalter. Freiburg-im- Breisgau, 1898, Ac (In progress.) [English transl. ed. by Lnigi Cappadelta. London, 1911,]

Helyot (P. Pierre), Histoire des Ordres Monastiques, Religieux et Militaires. 8 vols. Paris, 1714-21 ; new ed., 1792 ; latest ed., 3 vols., 1838. (Forthis work, recast in dictionary form and brought up to date by Badiche, sea Migne's Encyclopedia Theologique )