Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1294

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124*2 Russia

Ran/tome (Arthur), The Crisis in Russia. London, 1921.

Happoyort (A.), Pioneers of the Russian Revolution. London, 191$.

Moss (E. A.), Russia in Upheaval. London, 1019.

ttustell (Bertranct), The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism. London, 1920.

Sack (A.. J.), The Birth of the Russian Democracy. New York, 1918.

Shklovsky (I. V.). Russia under the Bolshevists. London, 1919.

Slonim (i/L.), Le Bolchsvisme vu par un Russe. Paris, 1921.

Sno-wden (Mrs. Philip), Through Bolshevik Russia. London, 1920.

Sparc/o (John), The Psychology of Bolshevism. New York, 1920.— The Greatest Failure in all History. A critical examination of the actual workings of Bolshevism in Russia London, 1 920.

Stebbing (B. P.), From Czar to Bolshevik. London, J918.

Trotsky (L.), The History of the Russian Revolution to Brest-Litovsk. London, 1919.

Vandervelde (K.), Trois Aspects de la Revolution Russe. Paris, 1917. English edition. London, 1918.

Walling (W. E.), Sovietism. New York, 1920.

Wells (H. G.). Russia in the Shadows. London, 1920.

Wilton (R.), Russia's Agony. London, 1918.

Wilcox (E. H.), Russia's Ruin. London, 1919.

William* (Mrs. Harold). From Liberty to Brest-Litovsk: the First Year of the Russian Revolution. London, 1919.

2agoi-sky(&.), La Republique des Soviets. Bilan economique. Paris, 1021.


Bokhara and Khiva in Central Asia were before the Revolution under the suzerainty of Russia : —


A State in Central Asia, lying between N. latitude 41* 30' and 36° 40', and between E. longitude 61" 40' and 73°, bounded on the north by the Russian provinces of Syr-Daria and Samarkand, on the east by the province of Ferghana, on the south by Afghanistan, and on the south-west by the Russian Trans-Caspian province and the Khanat of Khiva.

The modern State of Bokhara was founded by the Usbegs in the fifteenth century, after the power of the Golden Horde had been crushed by Tamerlane. The dynasty of Manguts, to which the present rulor belongs, dates from the end of the 18th century. Mir Muzaffar-ed-din in 1866 proclaimed a holy war against the Russians, who thereupon invaded his dominions, and forced him to sign a treaty ceding the territory now forming the Russian district of Syr Daria, to consent to the demand for a war indemnity, and to permit Russian trade. In 1873 a further treaty was signed, in virtue of which no foreigner was to be admitted to Bokhara without a Russian passport, and the State became practically a Russian dependency.

Amirs of Bokhara.-— Szyid Ameer Hyder, 1799 1826 ; Mir Hussein, 1826; Mir Omir, 1826-27 ; MirNasrulla, 1827-60 ; Muzafler-ed-din, 1860-85 ; Amir Sayid Abdul Ahad, 1885-1911. Sayid Mir Alim Khan, 1911-1919.

On August 30, 1919, a revolution took place, the Amir being expelled and a Soviet Government (Council of People's Nazirs) being set up.

Area 83,000 square miles, population about 1,250,000. Chief towns —Bokhara, about 75,000 ; Karshi, 25,000 ; Khuzar, Shahr-i-Zabz, Hissar, 10,000 ; Charjui, Karakul, Kormine.

The religion is Mahomt'ilan. The Amir is stated to have given 20,000 roubles for the foundation of a school.

The Amir has 11,000 troops, of which 4,000 are quartered in the city. A proportion of the troops are aimed with Russian rifles and have been taught the Russian drill.