Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1409

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(3) Capacitt.

South : 1 kele = 2 mid = 4 Sa'a = 8 quarters = 35 lb.

Ik: 1 Galilee kele = 6mid=12Sa';i = 92 lb. 1 jarra (oil measure) = 22 litres = 16 okka = 20'2 kg. olire oil.

Books of Reference.

Syria and Palestine. (Handbooks prepared by the Historical Section of tl.e Foreign Office.) London, 1920.

Handbook of Syria. (Prepared by the Geographical Section of the Naval Intelligence I>e)«rtinent.) London. 1920.

Draft Mandates for Mesopotamia and Palestine. [Cmd. 1,176.] Miscellaneous, No. I (1921).

Franco-British Convention of December 23, 1020. on certain points connected » Mandates for Syria and the Lebanon, Palestine and Mesopotamia. [Cmd. 1,195.] Miscel- Vo. 4 (1921 )

Estimates of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year 1919-20. (KEF. '"> copied Enemy Territory Administration Sooth) Cairo. 191?.

Baedeker's Palestine and Syria with the chief routes through Mesopotamia and Baby- lonia. 5th cd. Leipzig, 1912.

Baldewperger (P. J.\ The Immovable East. Studies of the People and Customs of Palestine. London

Ball (do!,:. aphy and Geology of West Central Sinai. Cairo, 1916.

Ban.b. • ina, Land und Leute. Leipzig, 1898.

Kentieirh | Norman), Palestine and the Jews, Past, Present and Future. London, 1919.

Cook's Tourist's Handbook for Palestine and Syria. London, 1906

Cooke (A. W.>, Palestine in Geography and History. 2 vols. London, 1901. e, Liban, et Palestine. Paris, 1901.

Gottheil(Tl Philadelphia

Huntinnton (E.), Palestine and its Transformation. London, 1911.

Hyawuon (A. M.). Palestine : The Rebirth of an Ancient People. London, 1917.

Leach iC), The Romance of the Holy Land. London, 1911. . . Tillage Life in Palestine. London, 1905.

LibbeytW.). and JTo*kiiu(F.E.). The Jordan Valley and Petra. New York, 1906.

Lack (H. O.), The Conquerors of Palestine. London, 1

MacmiiUin't Guides : Gui:e to Palestine and Syria. 4th ed. London, 190?. — Gr* = Archipelago, Constantinople, the Coasts of Asia Minor, Crete, and Cyprus, Ac. 4th ed. London, 190S.

Mi al :). A Fainter in Palestine. London, 1

ratz> t (Curt), Die jadische Kolonisation Palastinas. Munich, 1914.

Pirir-Gordon (H.), A Guide Book to Northern Palestine and Southern Syria • :ne Onide Books'). Jerusalem, 1920.

Ruppin (A), Syrien als Wirtschaftsgebiet Berlin, 1917. (Also in English.)— Aufbau des Landes Israel. Berlin, 1919.

Si-iebolham (IL), England and Palestine. London, 1919.

Smith (Sir G. A.), Historical Geography of the Holy Land. New ed. London, 1917.— Jerusalem. 2 vols. London, 1908.— Syria and the Holy Land. London, 191S.

S'.fcotoir (N.), History of Zionism. 2 vols. London, 1919.

Strange (G. Le), Palestine under the Moslems. London, 1890.— Baghdad under the Abbasid Caliphate. London, 1900.— The Lands of the Eastern Caliphate. London, 1905.

Treves (Sir Frederick, Bt), The Land that is Desolate. An account of a tour in Palestine. London, 1912.

Wilbuihewitz (X.), The Industrial Development of Palestine. London, 1920.

Wirth 'A.i, Vorderasien und Aegypten in historischer und politischer, kultureller und wirtschaftlicher Hinsicht geschildert. Stuttgart, 1916.