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618 miles, gauge 39 '33 inches. The construction cost to March 31, 1919, was 6,523,5552. A line is projected from Nakuru to Nasin Gishu, a settlement 100 miles north of the main railway line. There is a tele- graph along the line, and ten steamers on the Lake in connection with the railway. In 1918-19, 237,976 tons of goods, exclusive of railway material, and 521,434^ passengers were carried; revenue, 645.468Z. ; expen- diture, 493,213Z. The country is fairly well provided with roads and tracks.

The Post Office of the Colony (exclusive of the Uganda Post Office, which is worked by the Kenya Post Office) received and despatched 5,850,686 letters, packets, &c, and 502,278 telegrams during the year 1918-19. The telegraph system has 3,415 miles of wire (exclusive of Uganda). A cable connects Mombasa with Zanzibar. The currency is the Indian rupee, but the British sovereign is also legal tender. An East African Currency Board is to be established in London to maintain a stable rate of sterling exchange. The Board will issue a new local rupee currency in coin and notes, in place of the existing currency. The rupee has been fixed at 2s. The florin has been introduced and standardised at 2s. There are subsidiary nickel coins. Notes issued in Zanzibar are not interchange- able with those issued in Kenya nor are German rupees, in use in tho late German East Africa, legal tender.

Governor and Commander-in-Chief. — Major-General Sir E. Northey, K.C.M.G,, C.B.

Chief Secretary to the Government. — Sir C. C. Bowring, K. B.E., C. M.G.


German East Africa was conquered in 1918. As the conquest of the territory proceeded Civil Administration was established pari passu, and the whole Colony passed under the effective control of the present Administration in the beginning of 1919, when the forces engaged in military operations were finally evacuated. The country has been divided between the British and Belgians, and is to be administered under mandates approved by the League of Nations. The official designation of the sphere under British occupation is now "Tanganyika Territory " with head- quarters at Dar-es-Salaam. The Belgian sphere of occupation includes the provinces of Ruanda and Urundi, bordering on Lake Tanganyika, and is administered under the " Commissaire Royal du Gouvernement Beige," whose headquarters are at Kigali.

Under an Order in Council, dated July 22, 1920, the chief official in the British sphere is to be styled Governor, and he will have the help of an Executive Council, all of whose members will be Dominated. There is ad provision for the representation of white settlers, but the tlovernor is enjoined to respect native laws and custom unless they are opposed to justice or morality. Rights in or in relation to any public lands vest in the Governor, but the Secretary of State for the Colonies may appoint, if he sees lit, another trustee or trustees to exercise such right.

The country has a coast line of about620 miles ; estimated area, 384,180 square miles. The Sultan of Zanzibar's rights over the narrow strip of coast territory were acquired by Germany in 1890 for a payment of 4,000,000 marks. The coast line extends from the mouth of the Uniba to the month Of tin* Rovuma Kivor. Dar-es-Salaam is the capital.

The native population, consisting mostly of tribes of mixed Bantu race, numbered, ae, 'online, to official returns on January I, 1913, 7,659,898. The number included in the area under British administration is approxij 8| million. The coloured population (other than native) was 14,898. According to German law every native born after 1905 is free, but a mild