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14 pupils ; Camp teachers, 68 pupils. Total number of children educated in 1918, 319. The Camp schools are taught by 3 travelling schoolmasters in the West Falklands, and 2 in the East Falkland*, where there are also 2 teachers in the service of the Falkland Islands Company.

Summary convictions in 1918, 6.

There is a volunteer force.


(pit- war)


Total revenue . 42.929

Total expenditure . . 25,238

Imports ....

1915 1916 1*17

£ £ £

48,554 45,583

ftfc, Ml M.4M ttJMJ

591,017 1,256,906

Exports .... 1,460,219 2.053,719 1,870,903



46.365 26,270 M&M1


Chief sources of revenue (1918): Customs, 15,0142.; rents of Crown lands, 2,892/. ; interest, 11,242/. ; Post Office, 1,529/.; licences, kd, 2,844/. ; land sales, 8,891/. Chief branches of expenditure : Post Office, 1,434/. ; public works, 2,254/. and 971/. extraordinary; Colonial Engineer, 2,194/. ; Savings Bank, 2,749/. On December 31, 1918, the assets exoeeded the liabilities by 183,201/. (assets, 323,766/. ; liabilities, 140,565/.).

Leading exports, 1918 : Wool, 294,310/. ; whale produce, 1,666,599/. ; Chief imports, 1918 : Groceries, ic, timber, coal, wearing apparel, ic , haberdashery, hardware, kc. Imports from United Kingdom (1918), Ml. exports to United Kingdom 1,891,409/.

Chief industry, sheep-farming; about 2,325,000 acres pasturage. Horses 3,244, cattle 7,263, sheep 699, 36S in 1918. The whaling industry is carried on successfully, the catch iu 191S being 4,122, and the total value of the products of the industry being 1,491,436/. In South Georgia there were also killed 2,961 seals. In 1918 85 vessels of 87,162 tons entered (33 of 49,136 tons, British).

September 30, 1918, the Savings Bank held a balance of 125,682/. belong ing to 796 depositors. The number of letters and other postal packages handled by the Post Office during 1918 is estimated at 60,?.

In normal times there are four-weekly communications with Great Britain. I nterinsular Mail service is carried on by a steamboat. There is a telephone exchange at Stanley, and a telephone line from Stanley to Darwin, and other settlements. Cable laid August 29, 1915. Communication via Monte Video.

Money, Weights, and Measures. — Same as in Great Britain. Also in circulation at the end of 1918, 15,000/. worth of currency notes of 5/., 1/., and 5s.

References : Annual Report on the Colony.

Report of Committee on Research and Development in the Dependencies of the Falkland Islan'.s (Crad. 657). London, li>20.

Dantln (C. R.), Journal of Researches, 4c, during a Voyage Round the World. London.

MurdoehCW. O. H.), From Edinburgh to the Antarctic (1892-93). London, 1894.

Oxford Survey of the British Empire. Vol. [V. American Territoriei, London, 1914.

SkotUbtrg (Carl), Geographical Journal. Vol. XX.