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Buxton. (Charles Roden aad Dorothy Frances), The World after the War. London, 1920.

Ghisholm (Archibald), Labour's Magna Charta. A Critical Study of the Labour Clauses of the Peace Treaty and of the Draft Conventions and Recommendations of the Washington International Labour Conference. London, 1921.

Dormg (C), Die Bevdlkerungsbewegung im Weltkriege (I. Germany. II. Austria- Hungary). Copenhagen, 1919. [Nos. 4 and 5 of the Series ' Bulletin der Studiengesell- schaft fur soziale Folgen des Krieges.']

Hashing (C. H.), and Lord (R. H.), Some Problems of the Peace Conference. London, 1920.

Keynes (J. M.), The Economic Consequences of the Peace. London, 1020.

Newbiqin (Marion J.), Aftermath. A Geographical Study of the Peace Terms. London, 1920.

Ogilvie (P. M.), International Waterways. New York, 1920.

Scott (A. P.), An Introduction to the Peace Treaties. Chicago, 1920.

Temperley (H. W. V.), The History of the Peace Conference of Paris. 5 vols. London, 1920-21.

Vissering (G.), International Economic and Financial Problems. London 1920.


I. List of Treaties of Peace, 1919 <fc 1020.

The territorial and other rearrangements consequent on the various treaties of peace have been noted in the text of the Statesman's Year Book under the respective countries.

The following table contains a list of the treaties and instruments published (up to May 1, 1921), with particulars as to places and dates of signature, price, etc. In the case of treaties, they are between the Allied and Associated Powers and the country named. All these publications are obtainable from H.M.'s Stationery Office.




(Versailles, June 23. 1919).

(1). A large edition of the Treaty (costing 21s.) contains the complete English and French text, with the Protocol annexed to the Treaty (No. 4 below), the Agreement respecting the military occupation of the territories of the Rhine (No. 5 below), and also the Treaty between France and Great Britain respecting assistance to France In the event of unprovoked aggres- sion by Germany (No. 7 below). Contains maps and signatures in facsimile.

(2). There is also an edition with the English French, and German texts.

(3). A smaller edition (Treaty Series No. 4 of 1919. Cmd. 153. Price 4s.) is also available, giving only the English text of the Treaty and maps. Identical in pagination with No. 1.

(4). Protocol supplementary to the Treaty of Peace. (Treaty Series No. 5 of 1919. Cmd. 290; Prtee Id.).

(5). Agreement with regard to the Military occupa- tion of the Territories of tho Rhine. (Tieatv Series No. 7 of 1919. Cmd. 222. Price Id.)

(0). Declaration of tho Allied Governments in regard to the occupation of the Rhine provinces. (Cmd. 240. Price lrf.)

(7). Treaty respecting assistance to Frauce in the event of unprovoked aggression by Germany. (Treaty No Oof U19. Cmd. 221. Price ]</.).

(S). Index to the Treaty of Peace anto Germany. (Treaty Series No. 1 of 1920.' Cmd. 516. Price I},!.).

(9). The text of the Treaty in English, and other

treaty engagement* sinned at Versailles Juno 28, 1919,

together with Index to the Treaty, and reply of the

bo the ebaarratioDe of the Oanaan Delegation

on the Conditions of Pence. (Price 9*. td,)

(10). Onlin dices and [natructioni issued by the iiiIci-aiIm.i Rhinaland n (Cmd. 591.

Price Mi).