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Money, Weights, and Measures.— The Ban< t ue d'Algerie has begun operations in the Regency and issues Tunisian bank notes.

The legal coinage since 1892 consists of pieces similar to the French, the pieces being coined in France.

The ounce = 31 487 grammes ; the multiples of the ounce are the various denominations of the Rottolo, which contains from 16 to 42 ounces.

The Kajffis (of 16 vhibas, each of 12 sahs) = 16 bushels.

The principal measure of length is the pile : the pik ^rfeiforlinen= -5392yd. ; the pik Turki for silk = 7058 yd. ; the pik Andonlri for cloth = 7094 yd.

French weights and measures have almost entirely taken the place o' those of Tunis, but corn is still sold in kajffis and ichibas.

British Consul-General at Tunis.—?. C. SarelL

There is a Consul at Bizerta, and Vice-Consuls at Sfax and Susa ; and Consular Agents at Mehdia, Monastir, Gabes, and Djerba.

Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Tunis.

Statistique generale annuelle de la Tunisie. Paris.

Correspondence respecting the Establishment of French Tribunals, and the Abro^atios of Foreign Consular Jurisdiction in Tunis. London, 1884. Journal Officiel Tunisien.

Codes et Lois de la Tunisie, par Lagrange et Fontana. Foreign Office Reports. Miscellaneous Series and Annual Series. Londcn. Proces rerbaux de la Conference Consultative. Paris. Twice a year. Rapport au President de la Republique sur la situation de la Tunisie. Paris. Annual. Bulletin tnnit-striel di Departement de 1' Agriculture. Tunis. Bulletin de l'Office du GouTernement Tunisien a Paris. Paris. Etude sur la colonisation officielle en Tunisie (Agricultural Department). Annuaire general de I'Algene-Tunisie-Maroc Annual. Algiers. Indicateur general Havas. Alger.

Atlas touristique Tunisie, specially published by the P.L.M. Railway Co., Paris Paris. 1921.

Aihbee (H. S-X Bibliography of Tunisia. London, 1889.

Baedeker* Southern Italy. (Contains chapters on Tunis. 1 10th ed. Leipzig. 1 Bernier (Prof.) and others, La Tunisie au Debut du XX* Steele. Paris, 1904. Faueon (S.), La Tunisie avant et depuis l'occupation franeaise. 5 toIs. Paris, 1893. Gept(L-), La Tunisie economique Paris, 1910. Guide Joanne : Algerie et Tunisie. Paris, 1909.

Heue-WarUgg (Chevalier de), Tunis, the Land and the People. 2d ed. London, 1899. Johnston (Sir Harry), The Colonisation of Africa. Cambridge, 1S99. Laneisan (de), LaTuriisie. Paris. 1917. Lapie (P. ), Les Civilisations tunisiennes. Paris. 1897.

Loth (O.), La Tunisie et TCEuvre du Protectorat Francais. Paris, 1907.— L'Enflda et Sidi-Tabe 1 : la grande colonisation francais en Tunisie. Tunis. 1910. Macmillan'i Guides : The Western Mediterranean. London, 1902. Murray'* Handbooks for Travellers. Algeria and Tunis. 5th edition. London, 1902. CHtrtrt-(L.), La Tunisie. Paris, 1898.

OrtroM (F. Van), Conventions Internationales concernant l'Afrique. Brussels, 189S. IfceliM(Elisee), Geographie universelle. Vol. XI. L'Afrique septentrionale. Paris, 1886. Bit t mey ■ r (M.), Bilder aus Tunesien. Wolfenl.uttel, 1909.

Btrieve (C ) and Leeq (H.), Cultures du Midi de l'Algerie et de la Tunisie. Paris, 190"'.. Saurin, (Jules). Manuel de l'emigrant en Tunisie. Paris.— Le Peuplement francais et Tunisie. Paris, 1918.

Scho'*neld (R. D.), Aus der 8taaten der Barbaresken (Tripoli and Tunis]. Berlin, 1902. Slade* (Douglas), Carthage and Tunis. London, 1907.

Thomat (P.), Essai d'une description geologique de la Tunisie. Paris, 1908. F«et<ii»(H ), Tunisia and the Modern Barbsry Pirates. London, 1899.