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organizes and regulates the various branches of the public service. He is assisted by a consultative council of administration and municipal councils. Chief town, St. Pierre. Primary instruction is free. There are 3 public schools for boys, and 3 for girls, with (in all) 27 teachers and 618 pupils. There are, besides, infant schools, ' salles d'asile,' frequented by 116 children. There are a private boarding school and two private schools with 434 pupils.

The islands, being mostly barren rock, are unsuited for agriculture. The chief industry is cod-fishing. In 1919, owing to lack of labour, only two local smacks engaged in fishing ou the Newfoundland banks, the catch being 394, 315 pounds. Imports in 1919, 24,983,552 francs; exports, 18,515,231 francs. The imports comprise textiles, salt, wines, foodstuffs, meat ; and the exports, cod, dried and fresh, and fish products. St. Pierre is in regular steam communication with North Sydney and Halifax ; and is connected by telegraph cable with Europe and the American continent. Local budget for 1920, 1,235,038 francs. Expenditure of France (budget 1920), 234,478 francs.

Acting British Consul, — Fred H. White.

Books Concerning- French America.

Annuaire de la Guyane Franchise. Cayenne. Annual.

Annuaire de la Guadeloupe et Dependences. Basse-Terre.

Annuaire de la Martinique. Fort-de-France.

Annuaire des lies St. Pierre et Miquelon. St. Pierre.

St. Pierre and Miquelon. (Foreign Oiflce Ilandbooks.) London, 1920.

Brousteau (G.), Les Richesses de la Guyane Francaise. Paris, 1901.

Coudreau(H. A.), Dix ans de Guyane. Paris, 1892. — Chez nos Indiens : Quatre ans dans la Guyane Francaise. Paris. 1893.

Devez (O.), La Guvane Franpaise.

Dumoret (MA Au Pays du Sucre(la Martinique). Paris, 1902.

Qaraud (L.), Trois ans a la Martinique. Paris, 1892.

Guet (M. J.), Origines de la Martinique (1625-1720). Vannes, 1898.

Heilprin (A.), Mont Pelee and the Tragedy of Martinique. London, 1902. — The Tower of Pelee. Philadelphia, 1904.

He$$ (J.), A 1'Ile du diable. Paris, 1898.,

Laeroix (A.), La Montague Pelee et ses Eruptions. Paris, 1904.

Levawur, La France, vol. II. Paris, 1893.

Maurel (B.), Histoirede la Guyane Francaise. Parii, 1902

Mimande (P.), Foreats et Proscrits. [In Guiana.] Paris, 1897.

Mismcr (C), Souvenirs de la Martinique. Paris, 1890.

Mouet (H.), La Martinique. Paris, 1803.

Stoddard (C. A.), Cruising among the Caribbees. London, 1896.

Viala, Lcs Trois Guyanes. Montpellicr, 1893.


New Caledonia is administered by a Governor assisted by a Privy Council consisting of the Secretary-General, the Procureur-Ge'ue'ral (the head of the Judicial administration), the Superior Commandant of the Troops, the Director of the Penitentiary administration, the head of the Department of Domains and Colonisation, and two notables of the colony appointed by the President of the Republic. The colony has also an elective Council-General. Noumea, the capital, has a municipality ; other centres of population arc locally administered by municipal commissions. The colony contains a penal settlement at Nou Island. Since 1896, however, no convicts have been sent thither, and the convict element in the population is quickly decreasing.