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19° & 20° VICTORIÆ.
No. 2.


made payable to him, then and in every such case such annuity or pension shall thenceforth be reduced by the amount of such emolument; but in either case during such period or periods only as such office of emolument shall be held by him: Provided that for the purposes of the foregoing provision any half pay or pension in respect of any office now or heretofore held by the said annuitants shall not be deemed to be an emolument of office.

Governor may commute pensions within twelve months.

5.Provided always that if it shall at any time within twelve months from the passing of this Act appear expedient to the Governor of the said Colony to commute the said pensions respectively or any or either of them for a sum of money in gross, it shall be lawful for the said Governor to commute such pensions respectively for the sum of money in gross respectively mentioned in Schedule B to this Act, and to pay the same sums respectively out of the general revenue of the said Colony.

Short Title.

6.This Act shall be entitled and may be cited as “The Pensions Act, 1856.”



£ s. d.
To the said Andrew Sinclair, such sum as shall be fixed by Her Majesty by instructions under her Signet or Sign Manual, or signified, through one of Her Majesty's principal Secretaries of State, to the Governor of the said Colony, not exceeding the sum of 466 13 4
To the said William Swainson, such sum as shall be fixed as aforesaid, not exceeding the sum of 400 0 0
To the said Alexander Shepherd, such sum as shall be fixed as aforesaid, not exceeding the sum of 480 0 0


Commutation of Pensions.

To the said Andrew Sinclair, a sum equal to four years and a half purchase of such sum as shall be fixed as aforesaid as the pension payable to him.

To the said William Swainson a sum calculated at the like rate.

To the said Alexander Shepherd a sum calculated at the like rate.

No. II.

Naturalization. An Act for the Naturalization of certain Persons in the Colony of New Zealand [7th July, 1856.]

Preamble reciting No. 2, Session II.

Whereas by an Act made and passed by the General Assembly of New Zealand, intitled “The Naturalization Act, 1854,” (No. 2, Session II.,) it was among other things enacted that all and singular the persons who should be declared to come within the operation of the said Act by any Proclamation to be issued by the Governor, should be deemed and taken, until the next Session of the General Assembly, within the Islands of New Zealand, to be natural born subjects of Her Majesty: And whereas the persons particularly described in the Schedule marked A hereunto annexed have from time