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Rimmer (Alfred), Works by. Square 8vo, cloth gilt, js. 6d. each.

Our Old Country Towns. With 53 Illustrations by the Author.

Kambles Round Eton and Harrow. ^Vith 50 Illustrations by the Author.

About England with Dickens. ^Vith 58 Illustrations by C. A. Vanderhoof and A. Rimmer.

Rives (Amelie).— Barbara Dering. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 3s. 6d.;

post 8vo , illustrated boards, 2S.

Robinson Crusoe. By Daniel Defoe. With 37 Illustrations by

George CRUIKSHANK. Post 8vo, half-cloth, zs. ; cloth extra, gilt edges, zs. ed.

Robinson (F. W.), Novels by.

Women are Strange. Post Svo, illustrated boards, =j.

The Hands of Justice. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 3J. td. ; post 8ro, illustrated boards, 2*.

The Woman in the Dark. Two Vols., 10s. net.

Robinson (Phil), Works by. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 65, each.

The Poets' Birds. ! The Poets' Beasts.

The Poets and Nature: Reptiles, Fishes, and Insects.

Rochefoucauld's Maxims and Moral Reflections. With Notes

and an Introductory Essay by S.-\.INTE-Deuve. Post Svo, cloth limp, 2S.

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came from Normandy with Wiiliam the Conquer or, 1066. Printed in Gold and Colour s, 3,?^

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lated by W. COLLETT-S.A.NDARS. With 630 Illustrations. Crown Svo, cloth e.xtra, -js. 6d.

Rowley (Hon. Hugh), Works by. Post Svo, cloth, 2s. 6i. each.

Puniana: Riddles and Jokes. With numerous Illustrations.

More Puniana. Profusely Illustrated.

Runciman (James), Stories by. Post Svo, bds., 25. ea; cl. , 25. 6rf. ea.

Skippers and Shellbac' Schools and Scholars.

Skippers and_Shellbacks. I Grace Balmaign's Sweetheart.

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A Country Sweetheart. | The Drift of Fate.

Russell (W. Clark), Books and Novels by.

Crown Svo, cloth extra, 6s. each ; post Svo, illustrated boards, cs. each ; cloth limp, 2s. 6d. each. Round the Galley-Fire. I A Book for the Hammock.

In the Middle W^atch. The Mystery of the 'Ocean Star.'

A Voyage to the Cape. I The Romance of Jenny Harlov^e.

Crowm Svo, cloth extra, 3*. 6d. each ; post Svo, illustrated boards, 2s. each ; cloth limp, 2s. 6d. each. An Ocean Tragedy. | My Shipmate Louise. | Alone on a Wide Wide Sea.

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On the Fo'k'sle Head. Post Svo, illustrated boards, 2s. ; cloth limp, as. 6d.

Heart of Oak. 1 liree Vols., crown Svo, iss. net.

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Orchard Damerel.

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CPown Svo, cloth extra, 7,s. 6d. each. In the Face of theJWorld. | The Tr e mlett Diamonds.

Sala (George A.).— Gaslight and Daylight. Post Svo, boards, 25. Sanson. — Seven Generations of Executioners: Memoirs of the

Sanson Family (1688 to 184 7). Crown Svo, cloth extra, 3^. 6d.

Saunders (John), Novels by.

Crown Svo, cloth extra. 31. 6d. each ; post Svo, illustr.atcd boards, 2S. each. Guy Waterman. | The Lion in the Path. | The Two Dreamers.

Bound to the Wheel. Crown Svo. cloth extra, 3^. 6d.