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The Wicked Life and Death of

THis Alexander Parkinson lived near the parish of Tain in Ross-shire. in the north of Scotland: he was commonly known by the name of the Golden Farmer because he had always plenty of money to lend on sure and great interest, especially on land; but how he came by the money no person could tell, there were various conjectures about it but no person could make it out. He had but one son living when he took sick at this time which was his last. He also made a will according to law, making his son heir of all his money & effects, which amounted to 1500 pounds, & the next day he died in great pain: he was washed & dressed according to custom, & remained for 12 hours, at which time son & two other gentlemen was present siting where the funeral was to be ordered, he started up in bed to the great surprise of all present. When they saw that the began to run to the door, striving who to be out first the son being almost dead with fear, the father bad them not be afraid for tho’ said he, I was dead I am now alive & in my proper sense, O the sights that I have seen! sit you down here