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This slogan must take root in the profound and often unconscious conviction of the wide masses that only by the closest union of the industrial working class with the working peasantry can the exploitation and oppression by the large estate owners and by the industrial magnates be brought to an end. The Communist Party knows that only the dictatorship of the proletariat can finally shatter the power of the capitalist social order. But the Workers' and Peasants' Government may be the final halting place on the road to the proletarian dictatorship. The Communist Party must therefore formulate the question of the Workers' and Peasants' Government in a concrete form. The Workers' and Peasants' Government is a coalition of workers, peasants and exploited employees and members of the petty-bourgeoisie, against the parties of reaction and of the big bourgeoisie. The Workers' and Peasants; Government is the declaration of war of the masses to the capitalist social system. The Communist Party must make the halting place of the Workers' and Peasants' Government a period of preparation and organization for the proletarian dictatorship. The Workers' and Peasants' Government means civil war. But only the proletarian dictatorship can guarantee the victory of the workers and peasants.

The Communist Party of Mexico and the
Oppressed Countries of Central America

In conclusion, we want to say a few words about the significance of the nationalist and revolutionary struggle for freedom in the Central American countries. The capitalist development of North America and the backward economic and social development of the countries of Latin America, determine the political attitude of the United States towards the countries of the South. The drying up of the purchasing power of Europe is forcing American products into the South American markets. In the American capitalist press one notices a stronger imperialist tendency towards the South than ever before. What has been done in the West Indies and in Central America, can be tried in Mexico and South America as well. In Cuba, Haiti, San Domingo; m Guatemala, Costa Rica, Honduras and Panama, the American "system," the most ruthless exploitation of the proletariat, reigns supreme. Revolutionary workers are persecuted and thrown into prison. Such organizations as oppose Gompers are disrupted, betrayed and violently crushed by the agents of the local and American governments. The peasants, who are held under conditions of Medieval slavery, are stripped to