Page:Studies in Lowland Scots - Colville - 1909.djvu/277

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S. si-tâ (furrow), L. sero (seso), Go. saian. Wain, R. wah—, carry, S. váhana, ὄχος, L. vehiculum, Sl. vozw, C. fen, A.S. waegn and waen. Axle, R. ag drive, S. áksha, ἂξων, L. axis, C. echel, A.S. eax, O.H.G. Ahs-ala (shoulder), Sc. oxter (arm-pit). Yoke, R. yug-, join, S. yugá, ζυγόν, L. jugum, Lit. junga, W. iaw, A.S. geoc, ioc.

Farm-words show a simple, rustic, but by no means nomadic, life. The Vaidic agra reminds us of the old Scotch loanin or field kept in grass near the farm-town. The roads are simply footpaths leading to the out-fields or the village mark. The North-Western dialects agree in restricting the root ar- to plowing, but the common name for plough seems to have been lost, for the modern word has been developed within the Teutonic unity—Frisian and Sc. pleuch, Swedish plog, Russ. pluge. It is the same as plug, a block of wood. The familiar Teut. hoe, Sc. howk is in Sans. koka, a name for the wolf.

9. Food.

Corn=R. ju-, sustainer, S. yáva (barley), yávasa (fodder), ζειαἱ, Lit. yavas, C. eórna. Meal=(a) R. mar-ground, rubbed, S. malana (rubbing), μὑλη, S. mola, Sl. melja, C. melim, Go. malan (to grind); (b) R. karcrumbled, S. kurna (flour), γῡρις, L. granum, Sl. zruno, C. gran, Go. kwairnus a quern, E. cor-n, ker-nel, churn (Sc. kirn). MEAD, S, madhu (sweet, honey), μἑθυ, L. mel, Sl. medus, A.S. medu, O.Ir. med (drunk). Water, R. wad-wet, S. udan, ὕδωρ, L. udus, C. dour, Russ. vod-kja=Ir. uis-ce (whisky), Go. wato. Salt, R. sar-flow, that which runs together, cf. serum, S. saras (lake), ἅλς, L. sal. Ir. salann, R. sole, Go, sal-t., Sc. Saline (place-name).

10. Occupations.

Build, S. dru (a tree), dâru (wood), δὁρυ (spear-shaft), Ir. daur, Sl. drevo, Go. triw-eins (adj.= treen), axle-tree. Cut, S. kartanî (scissors), κείρω, L. cul-ter, Go. hairus (sword). Plat, S. prik, πλἑκω, and L. plico, Go. flahta (plaited), Sc. flaik (hurdle), E. flax. Weave, S. va, ûrna-vâbhi (wool-spinner, spider), ὑφή (web), L. vieo, Sl. viti. Sew, R. nah=sna, bind, S. nah, Gr. and L, ne-re, Ir. snathad (needle), Ger. nähen, E. needle. Knead,