Page:Summer - from the Journal of Henry D. Thoreau.djvu/390

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Rocks, 218; colors of, 17, 25; inscriptions on, 21.
Rogers, 309.
Romans, 355.
Rosa. See Sweet-brier.
Rosa Carolina. 354.
Rosa lucida, 127, 159, 354.
Rosa nitida, 72, 127, 158, 159, 354.
Rosa rubiginosa, 159.
Roses, 113, 114, 125, 133, 141, 149, 199, 202, 217, 218, 230, 241, 242, 271, 279.
Rue, 64, 72, 178. See Thalictrum.
Rue-anemone. 82. See Thalictrum.
Rye, 77, 351, 365.

Sabbath, the, 45.
Saco, the, 288.
Sagittaria, 196.
Sailing, 264.
St. Johns-wort, 170, 230, 369. See Sarothra, Salix, Willow.
Salix harbacea 303.
Salix lucida, 32.
Salix phylicifolia, 294.
Salix repens, 294.
Salix Sorneyana. 299.
Salix uva ursi, 286, 303, 306.
"Sam," 335.
Samaræ, 185.
Sandwich, 286.
Sandwort, 50. See Arenaria.
Sarothra, 48. See St. John's-wort.
Satire, 223.
Saxifrage, 52.
Scare-crows, 220.
Scenery. See Landscape, Mountains, Nature, Ocean, Sea, Storms, White Mountains.
Scents, 64, 66, 72, 104, 131, 178, 280. See Fragrance, Odor.
Science, 255.
Sea, the, 11.
Sea-serpent, 137.
Sea-weed, 52.
Seasons, 99.
Sedge, 48, 108, 372.
Seeing, 283.
Senecio, 83, 84, 109, 279.
Senter Harbor, 285.
Seringo, 144.
Shad-bush, 65.
Shad flies, 85.
Shadows, 99, 243. See Clouds.
Shakespeare, William, 80.
Shattuck, Lemuel, 90.
Shirley Village, 16.
Side-saddle flower, 43, 51, 111, 113.
Simons, Martha, 247.
Sin, 255. See Temptations, Vices.
Skulls, 235.
Skunks, 155, 196.
Skunk-cabbages, 113.
Slavery, 86, 174.
Slippery elm, 52.
Smellie, William, 202.
Smilax herbacea, 123. See Carrion flower, Catbrier.
Snakes, 1, 92, 133.
Snapdragons, 5, 36, 101, 199.
Snow, 291, 273, 301.
Solitude, 26.
Solomon's-seal, 122, 143.
Solon, 349.
Song-sparrows. See Sparrows.
Sorrel, 13, 35, 46, 101, 111, 116, 146.
Sorrel Swamp, 86.
Sounds, 59, 79, 96, 111, 362. See Music.
South River, 37.
Sparrows, 24, 66, 119, 131, 214, 286, 299, 363.
Spatterdocks, 263.
Spear heads, 332. See Arrow heads.
Speedwell, 109.
Sphynx, the, 63.
Spiræa tomeutosa, 346.
Spirits, 98.
Spring, 357.
Springs, 86, 148, 191, 227, 329.
Sproutlands, 202.
Spruces, 300, 303.
Spruce Swamp, 37, 89.
Squam Lake, 286.
Squirrels, 160, 237.
Squirrels, flying, 190.
Stake-drivers, 28, 59, 130, 193.
Steam-whistles, 111.
Stock-doves, 78.
Stonehenge, 78.
Storms, 290. See Clouds, Rain, Thundershower.
Stow, 186.
Strata, 75.
Strawberries, 42, 83, 168, 213.
Succory, 355.
Sudbury road, 95, 130.
Sun, the, 169.
Sun, steering by, 187.
Sun worship, 76.
Sunrise, 11, 154, 224, 313, 321, 356. See Morning.
Sunset, 47, 223, 246, 313, 332, 362. See Evening, Night, Twilight.
Superstition, 45.
Surveying, 93, 207.
Swallows, 59, 67, 84, 93, 110, 129, 130.
Swamps, 147.
Swamp Bridge, 37.