Page:Summer - from the Journal of Henry D. Thoreau.djvu/396

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Mr. T. Fisher Unwin, 26, Paternoster Square. ARMINIUS VAMBkRY; His Life and Adventures. Written by himself. With Portrait and 14 Illustrations. Fourth and Popular Edition. Crown 8vo., cloth extra o 6 o "A most fascinating work, full of interesting and curious experiences. " Contemporary Review. " It Is partly an- autobiographic sketch of character, partly an account .of a smgtilariy daring and successful adventure in the exploration of a practically unknown country. In both aspects it deserves to be spoken of as a work of great interest and of considerable merit." Saturday Review. - " This remarkable book is partly an autobiographical sketch of character, partly a record of a singularly bold and successful attempt to explore a country which at the time when Professor Vambery undertook his journey was practically terra incognita. , . . . Professor Vambery s Autobiography is omnium conscnsu a work of very great interest and merit." Life. " We can follow M. Vambery s footsteps in A^ia with pride and pleasure; we welcome every word he has to tell us about the ethnography and the languages of the East." Academy. "Professor VambeYy, of Pest, has just published a book in England that tells the story of his life ; a book that forms, under every aspect, most agreeable reading. It is not only a deeply interesting account of his adventurous career, but it is also written in a light and attractive manner, so that the reader s attention does not flag for a moment." Die Gegcnwart. "The character and temperament of the writer come out well in his quaint and vigorous style. . . . The expressions, too, in English, of modes of thought and reflections cast in a different mould from our own gives additional piquancy to the composi tion, and, indeed, almost seems to bring out unexpected capacities in the language." Athence urn. "There is something in his travels which reminds us of the wanderings of Oliver Goldsmith. . . . The English public will find their interest in him increased rather than diminished by this graphic account of his life and adventures." British Quarterly Review. " Has all the fascination of a lively romance. It is the con fession of an uncommon man; an intensely clever, extraordinarily energetic egotist, well-informed, persuaded that he is in the right and impatient of contradiction." Daily Telegraph. The work is written in a most captivating manner, and illus trates the qualities that should be possessed by the explorer. - Novoe Vretnya, Moscow. " We are glad to see a popular edition of a book, which, how ever it be regarded, must be pronounced unique. The writer, the adventures, and the style are all extraordinary the last not the least of the three. It is flowing and natural a far better style than is written by the majority of English travellers." -S t. James s Gazette.

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