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Mr. T. Fisher Unwin, 26, Paternoster Square. EDUCATIONAL WORKS. ARMY EXAMINATION SERIES. I. GEOMETRICAL DRAWING : Con taining General Hints to Candidates, Former Papers set at the Preliminary and Further Ex aminations, and Four Hundred Questions for Practice in Scales and General Problems. By C. H. OCTAVIUS CURTIS. Illustrated. Crown Svo., cloth extra 026 II. A MANUALOF FRENCH GRAMMAR. By LE COMPTE DE LA HOUSSAYE, Officier de la Le gion d Honneur, French Examiner for Military and Civil Appointments. Crown Svo., cloth extra... 026 III. GEOGRAPHY QUESTIONS: Espe cially adapted for Candidates preparing for ths Preliminary Examination. By R. H. ALLPRESS, M.A., Trin. Coll., Camb. Crown 8vo., cloth extra 026 EASY LESSONS IN BOTANY. ByEowARD STEP, Authorof "Plant Life. " With 1 20 Illustrations by the Author. Third Edition. Linen covers ... o o 7 Also in two parts, paper covers, 3d. each. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. " Numerously illustrated, clearly written, with a good deal of matter packed with much dexterity into a small space." Science Gossip. The arrangement is good ; the illustrations are very numerous, there being three or four on almost every page ; and the writer has done much to simplify the subject." School Guardian. " Still another primer of botany ! Well, we cannot have too many, provided all are as good as this one." The Inquirer. POETICAL READER FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS. Arranged on an entirely new principle, with Illustrations specially done for the work. In Two Parts, each o I Or in sections separately. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. "The editor of these two little volumes has managed to strike out an entirely new line for his pupils, and one which scarcely at any point crosses the beaten track. . . . To many readers besides school-children his volumes will present all the charms of novelty. The compiler has evidently a large acquaintance with the poetical literature of our country, and an excellent ear for the music of poetry. . . . The work is therefore one of exceptional interest." School Beard Chronicle.