Page:Susanna Wesley (Clarke 1886).djvu/173

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before and after meat. Nor did he ever interrupt our privacy, but went into his own chamber when we went into ours.

"He stayed from Thursday to the Wednesday after; then he left us to go to Scarborough, whence he returned the Saturday se'nnight after, intending to stay with us a few days; but, finding your sisters gone the day before to Lincoln, he would leave us on Sunday morning, for, he said, he might see the girls before they set forward for London. He overtook them at Lincoln, and had Mrs. Taylor, Emilia, and Kezzy, with the rest, to supper with him at the ’Angel.' On Monday they breakfasted with him ; then they parted, expecting to see him no more till they came to London; but on Wednesday he sent his man to invite them to supper at night. On Thursday he invited them to dinner, at night to supper, and on Friday morning to breakfast, when he took his leave of them and rode for London. They got into town on Saturday about noon, and that evening Patty writ me an account of the journey. ***** "Dear Jacky, I can't stay now to talk about Hetty and Patty, but this—I hope better of both than some others do. I pray God to bless you. Adieu !

"Susanna Wesley."

The poor Rector, after his brother's return to London, received a stern letter from him on the sin of not having better provided for his family. It does not appear, however, that he was addicted to any worse personal extravagance than his pipe and a little snuff; but on the one hand he had no aptitude for business, and on