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too mild, of excessive whiteness, excessive strength or irritability, of over-sliminess, excessive stickiness or thickness, insufficient boiling, and insufficiency of component ingredients.

A patient laid up with a disease amenable to an application of alkali potential cautery or caustic) should be kept in a spacious chamber, and should not be exposed to draughts and to the hot rays of the sun, [Then the physician having secured] the necessary appliances etc, as already laid down in the Chapter V, should view the part of the patient's body to which the alkali is to be applied. The affected part should be then*[1] rubbed or scarified†[2] with an alkali, and covered over‡[3] with a piece of linen. The alkaline preparation should be applied with a rod or director and kept undisturbed for a period needed to articulate a hundred long letter sounds).

Metrical texts:-The perfect burning (blistering, should be inferred from the black colour of the skin of the affected part. Madhuka and the substances included within the Amla-varga (group of acid drugs) pasted with clarified butter, should be applied to allay the incidental burning (sensation). A plaster composed

  1. * In a case brought about by (Pitta) ascendency of the deranged bile.
  2. † It should be scraped with the alkali where the skin would appear hard and benumbed owing to the action of the deranged vital winds (Vayu).
  3. ‡ In a case of deranged phlegm (Kafa) the affected part being marked by itching and swelling.