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Metrical Texts:—The flesh of animals of the Shankha and Kurma orders is sweet in taste and digestion, cooling in its potency, demulcent, and beneficial to stool and the Pittam. It destroys the deranged Vayu and produces Kapham. Of these, the species of black crab is strength-giving and heat-making in its potency, and tends to destroy the deranged Vayu. The white species is laxative and diuretic in its effect, and tends to bring about an adhesion of fractured bones (or produces fermentation). It destroys the Vayu and Pittam.

The Piscatory Order:—The piscatory group may be roughly divided into two broad sub-divisions, such as the Marine and the River (fresh water) fish. The species such as the Rohita, Pathina, Patala, Rajiva, Varmi, Gomatsya, Krishna-Matsya, Vagunjara, Murala, Sahasra-danstra, etc., belong to the fresh water family.

Metrical Texts:—The fresh water (Nadeya) fish (river fish) are sweet in taste, heavy of digestion, bring on haemoptysis and destroy the deranged Vayu. They are heat-making in their potencies, spermatopoietic and demulcent and tend to reduce the quantity of stool. Of these, the Rohita leaves an astringent after-taste, and destroys the deranged Vayu. This species lives on such aquatic plants and herbs as grow in fresh-water pools