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Now we shall discourse on the chapter which deals with the therapeutics of nasal diseases (Násá-gata-Roga-Pratishedha). 1.

Treatment of Apinasa and Puti-nasya: — In cases of the first-mentioned disease {i.e. Apinasa) and in those of Pati-nasya, applications of Sneha and of Sveda to the affected part, and application of emetics and purgatives should be made. The diet should be light and moderate in quantity. The water for drinking should be boiled before use, and inhalation of smoke (Dhuma-pána) should be indulged in at the proper time. Hingu, Trikatu, Indra-Yava, Śiváti*[1], Lákshá, Katphala, Vacha, Kushtha, Śobhánjana, Vidanga, and Karanja should be used daily with benefit in the manner of Avapida-Nasya. Mustard oil should be duly cooked with the aforesaid drugs together with cow's urine and be used as an errhine (Nasya). 2-3,

Treatment of Násá-páka, etc.:— In cases of Násá-páka, all the Pitta-subduing measures both for internal and external use should be duly employed. Barks of the Kshiri (milk-exuding) trees mixed with clarified butter should be duly employed as wash and plaster after a local bleeding. The medical treatment of Śonita-pitta (Hæmorrhaege) from the nose shall be hereafter†[2] described. A case of Puya-Rakta ( discharge of bloody pus from the nose ) should be treated

  1. * Śiváti may mean either white Puttarnavá or śipháliká. Neither Chakrapáni nor Vrinda reads it in the text,
  2. † See ch. XLIV of the Uttara-Tantra.