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[ Chap. XXIV.

madhu and (red) Chandana and with a quantity of milk ten times its own weight. All types of nasal catarrh, yield to the curative efficacy of this medicated Ghrita, if used as an errhine (Nasya). Oils medicated with the drugs remedial to the specific deranged Dosha involved in each case under treatment should also be prescribed. 25-26.

All the foregoing preparations should be surcharged with the urine and bile of a cow and used in cases due to the existence of local parasites , and vermifuges {e.g., drugs of the Surasádi group) should be administered as a palliative measure.*[1] 27.

Thus ends the twenty-fourth chapter of the Uttara-Tantra in the Sus'ruta Samhitá which deals with the (symptoms and) medical treatment of Pratiśyáya.

  1. * In places of " " Chakradatta reads ' ' i.e., as an errhine. He also reads " " i.e., pasted with the urine (of a cow), and thus does not read the bile of a cow ( ) in the text. Vrinda, however, reads " " in place of " " which means that vermifuges should be used for washing purposes.