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[Chap. XXXIX.

Drákshá, Paundarika (white lily), Utpala, parched barley, Uśira, Samangá and Káśmari fruit steeped therein and stirred and kept overnight and then mixed and taken with honey (in the morning) would give relief from fever and burning sensation and a plaster of the same drugs should be applied over the scalp in a case of fever accompained by dryness of the tongue, the palate, the throat and of the Kloma. Pastes of the polens or filaments (Keśara) of Mátulunga mixed with honey and Saindhava salt, or of Dádima mixed with sugar, Drákshá and Kharjura (date) as well as gargles prepared from these drugs should be retained in the mouth with a view to removing its bad taste. 88—89.

Samśamana decoctions for KaphaJa Jwara: — A decoction of Saptachchhada, Guduchi, Nimba and Sphurjaka mixed with honey, or of Trikatu, Nága-Keśara, Haridrá, Katurohini and Indrayava, or of Chitraka, Haridrá, Nimba, Uśira, Ativishá, Vacha, Kushtha, Indra-yava, Murvá and Patola mixed with honey and pulverised Maricha (black pepper) should be given in a case of Kaphaja fever. A decoction of Sárivá, Ativishá, Kushtha, Puru (Guggulu), Durálabhá and Musta, or of Musta, Vrikshaka-seeds (Indra-yava), Tri-phalá, Katurohini and Parushaka will be found to be equally efficacious in the case of Kaphaja fever. 90—94.

Treatment of Kapha-Vátaja Jwara:— A decoction of the component members of the Rája- vrikshádi group mixed with honey and taken in due course, would readily prove curative in a case of fever due to the concerted action of Váta and Kapha. The exhibition of the decoction of Nágara,Dhanyáka,Bhárgi, Abhayá, Devadáru Vachá, Parpataka, Musta, Bhutika,