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[Chap. XXXIX.

fever, headache, Gulma, Udara (ascites), Halimaka, consumption, cough, burning sensation in the body and pain at the sides. 113 — 114

Guduchyádi Ghrita;— The use of a medicated clarified butter duly cooked with the decoction of Guduchi, Tri-phalá, Vâsâ (D. R. Rásnâ), Tráyamáná and Durálabhá together with the Kalka of Drákshá, Mágadhiká, (Pippali), Ambhoda (Musta), Nágara, Utpalaand Chandana would be attended by good results in cases of consumption, asthma, cough and Jirna-Jwara (chronic fever). 115.

Kalaŝyádi Ghrita:— Cases of chronic fever, headache, pain at the sides, cough, and of consumption (lit — any wasting disease of the body attended with fever) would readily yield to the curative efficacy of a medicated clarified butter duly cooked and prepared with the decoction of Kalaśi (Priśni-parni), Vrihati, Drákshâ, Tryánti, Nimba, Gokshura, Valá, Parpataka, Musta, Śála-parni and Yavásaka and with the Kalka of Śathi, Támalaki, Bhárgi, Medá, Kataka (D. R. —Ámalaka) and Pushkara-roots and with milk twice as much as the clarified butter. 116.

Patoládi Ghrita:— Clarified butter duly cooked with the Kalka of Patola, Parpata, Arishta (Nimba), Guduchi, Tri-phalá, Brisha, Katuka, Ambuda(Musta), Bhu-nimba, Yavása, Yashti-madhu, Chandana, Dárvi, Indra-yava, Uśira, Tráyamáná, Kaná and Utpala and with the expressed juice of Dhátri, Bhringa-rája, Abhiru (Śatávari) and Kâkamáchi readily proves curative in cases of Apachi (scrofula), Kushtha, fever, Śukra and Arjuna (two optical diseases), ulcer and in diseases of the mouth, ears, nose and the eyes. 117.

Kalyánaka Ghrita:— Clarified butter duly cooked with the Kalka of Vidanga, Triphalá, Musta,