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[Chap. XXXIX.

Pancha-Gavya-Ghrita:— Fqual parts of milk, curd, clarified butter and urine of a cow and the expressed fluid of cow-dung duly cooked with the Kalka of Tri-phalá,, Chitraka, Musta, the two kinds of Haridrá, Ativishâ, Vachá, Vidanga, Tri-katu, Chavya and Suradáru prove curative in Vishama Jwara. It is called Pancha-Gavya-Ghrita. The same five substances obtained from a cow (e.g., milk, curd, clarified butter, urine and the expressed liquid of cow-dung) may be duly cooked without the addition of any Kalka as also with the above Kalkas and the expressed juice of Vâsaka or of Valá, or of Guduchi.*[1] All of these medicated Ghritas are efficacious in cases of Jirna Jwara (chronic fever), chlorosis and edema. The same five substances (e. g., milk, curd, clarified butter, urine and the expressed fluid of dung) of a she-sheep, a she-goat or a she-buffalo and the four substances ( e. g. milk curd, clarified butter and urine) of a she-camel may be prepared (and used) in the same manner. 120 — 122.

Tri-phaládi Ghrita:— Clarified butter duly cooked with the Kalkas †[2] of Tri-phalá, Uśira, Sampáka, Katuka, Ativishá, Śatávari, Sapta-parna, Guduchi, the two kinds of Rajani, Chitraka, Trivrita Murvá, Patola, Árishta, Válaka, Kiráta-tikta, Vachá, Viśálá, Padmaka, Utpala, the two Kinds of Sárivá, Yashtimadhu, Chaviká, Rakta-chandana, Durálabhâ, Parpataka, Tráyamâná, Atarushaka (Vásaka), Rásná, Kumkuma (saffron), Manjishthá, Mágadhi and Nágara with the

  1. * Dallana says that the expressed juice of Vasaka, Balá or Guduchi, should be separately used along with the ordinary Kalkas (Tri-phalá, etc.) of the Pancha-gavya Ghrita. But we are inclined to take the lines to mean that Vásaka, Valá and Guduchi should be separately used as Kalkas in place of the ordinary Kalkas.
  2. † Some here add Ghana (Musta) with the other Kalkas,