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Chap. XL.]

in the intestines. Some authorities hold that Atisára is of many kinds but the holy Dhanvantari, on the contrary, holds that it is not so but that the physical conditions of a diarrhœic patient undergo changes and become manifold. 3.

Premonitory Symptoms:— Piercing pain in the regions of the heart, umbilicus, rectum, abdomen and in the Kukshi (sides of the abdomen), a sense of numbness in the limbs, stoppage or suppression of flatus and of stool, distension of the abdomen, and indigestion are the premonitory symptoms of the disease, 4.

Symptoms of Vátaja, Pittaja, Kaphaja and Tri-doshaja Types:— The Váyu-origined type of the disease is marked by Śula (colic), suppression of urine, rumbling sound in the intestines, looseness (constant movement in the intestines) of the abdominal (Apána) wind, a gone feeling in the waist, in the thighs and in the legs, and frequent emissions with flatus of a scanty, frothy, dry (Ruksha) brown-coloured (yellowish black) stool. The specific features of the Pitta-origined type are that the stool is fetid, hot, yellow, blue or slightly red-coloured, or resembles the washings of meat, and is emitted with sharp or acute force and is accompained by thirst, epileptic fits (fainting), burning sensation, perspiration, suppuration and inflamation (Páka) of the affected organs, and fever. In the Kapha- origined type of the disease the stool becomes loose and constant, gets mixed with the lump of mucus and looks white. The stool comes out without any sound. A sense of constant urging is complained of and each motion only creates the apprehension of a fresh one in the mind. The patient becomes drowsy or sleepy, and feels a sense of heaviness in the limbs, nausea, disrelish for