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[Chap. XLVI.

animation ( Sannyása ) should be speedily restored to consciousness with the help of medecinal remedies before the process of final dissolution ( lit. — death ) sets in his body. 11 — 12.

Treatment:— The patient should be tried to be roused up with the application of strong eye-salves (Anjana), unguents and inhalation of smoke (Dhuma) or by pricking needles into his finger-nails or by discoursing sweet words and music in his hearing or by shaking his limbs roughly or by rubbing his skin with the fruits of Átma-gupta creepers. An attack of the present disease not amenable to the above remedies but attended with, salivation, laboured breathing, retention of stool and urine and distension of the abdomen should be given up as irremediable. Strong emetics and purgatives should be exhibited after the return of consciousness and diet should consist of light articles of fare. Śilájatu*[1] mixed with Tri-phalá, Chitraka, Śunthi, etc. should be employed in combination with sugar and continued for a month. Matured clarified butter should be used in particular. Medicinal compounds remedial to any case of fever originated by the Dosha in the case may be as well prescribed in any case of Murchchh0á; and a case due to the action of poisom should be remedied with the antitoxine remedies (mentioned in the Kalpa Sthána). 13—14.

Thus ends the forty-sixth chapter of the Uttara-Tantra in the Sus'ruta Samhitá which deals with the (symptoms and) treatment of Murchchhá.

  1. * According to Dallana Śilájatu should be prepared with the said drugs after the manner of Bhávaná saturation and then be applied with sugar.