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[Chap. XLVII.

taste (in the mouth), vomiting, deficient gastric digestion are the symptoms which are exhibited in a Pánájirna type (alcoholic indigestion). Aggravation of the deranged Pitta should be regarded by a physicion as the exciting factor of the disease. The malady which exhibits such symptoms as piercing pain in the heart and limbs, vomiting, fever, a sensation of the rising of fumes into the throat, salivation, epileptic fits, headache, a burning sensation in the throat and an aversion to all sorts of food and wine (in connection with an abuse of wine) is called Páná-Vibhrama. 13-14.

Prognosis: — A patient suffering from the effects of excessive drinking and exhibiting such symptoms as protuded upper lip, excessive shivering or burning sensation and clamminess of the face, black or blue colour of the tongue, lips or teeth and yellowness or blood-colour of the eyes should be givin up as incurable. Hiccough, fever, vomiting, shivering, tremor, cramp of the sides, cough and vertigo are the supervening symptoms ( Upadrava ) which are found in all forms of Pánátyaya (alcoholism). 15.

Treatment of Vátaja type:— Now hear me describe the medicinal remedies for all the above said maladies. Wine saturated with the mixture of pulverised Chukra, Maricha, Ádraka, Dipya (Yamáni), Kushtha and Souvarchala should be given for the relief of the Vátaja type of Pánátyaya, or one mixed with Prithviká, Dipyaka, Mahoushadhi and Hingu, or with Souvarchala should be taken for comfort. Shádavas or cordials made of Ámrátaka, Ámra-fruits, Dádima and Mátulunga should be given for relief. In the alternative, the cooked flesh of an animal of Ánupa group i.i. tortoise, etc. should be seasoned with the expressed juice of above fruits and be taken. 16.