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[Chap. I

external causes i.e., they are traumatic in their origin. 15.

Prognosis of the Vátaja Type:— Of the diseases of the eyes which are due to the action of the deranged Váyu, those known as Hatádhimantha, Nimisha, Gambhirikâ affecting the vision, and Váta-hatavartma (Váyu-afflicted Sclerotic coat) is said to be incurable. A temporary cure (Yápya) is all that can be effected in a case of Kácha (cataract) due to the action of the deranged bodily Váyu; while the affection of the eyes known as the Anyato-Váta, Adhi-mantha (ophthalmia), Śushkákshi-páka, Abhishyanda and Maruta-Paryaya are curable. 16.

Prognosis of the Pittaja Type:— Of the diseases due to the deranged action of the Pitta known as Hrasva-jádya and Jala-srâva should be deemed incurable; and palliative measures are the only remedies in cases of Kàcha, Parimlàyi and Nila, while Abhishynda, Adhi-mantha Amládhyushita, Sùktiká, Pitta-Vidagdha-Drishti, Pothaki and Lagana are curable. 17.

Prognosis of Kaphaja Type:— Of the diseases due to the aggravation of Kapha, the one known as the Sráva-roga is incurable and (Kaphaja) Kácha (cataract) admits of only palliative treatment, while a cure may be be effected in the following cases, viz,, Abhishyanda (conjunctivitis), Adhi-mantha, Balása-Grathita, Śleshma-Vidagdha-Drishti, Pothaki, Lagana, Krimi-granthi, Pariklinna-Vartma, Śuklárma, Pishtaka, Śleshmo-panáha. 18.

Prognosis of the Raktaja Type:— Of the diseases of the eyes due to the vitiated condition of the blood, those known as Raktasráva, Ajakájâta, Avalambita (pendent), Śonitárśas and Śukra-roga should