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Now we shall discourse on the chapter which deals with the (symtoms and) medical treatment of worms (Krimi-Roga-Pratishedha). 1.

Causes:— The Pitta and Kapha of the body are aggravated by such causes as eating before the digestion of a previous meal, excessive use of any indigestible, uncongenial, incompatible or filthy articles of fare, sedentary habits, partaking of cold, heavy or fatty meals, sleeping in the day-time, excessive use of Másha, Cikes, Vidala (cereals), Visa (lotus stems), Śáluka (bulbous root of the lotus), Kaśeruka, pot-herbs, Surá (wine) Śukta (a kind of fermented rice-gruel), curd, milk, treacle, sugar-cane, Palala (dried plants of corn), flesh of Ánupa animals, Pinyáka (oil cakes), Prithuka (Chipitaka), and such other articles of fare as well as by the use of sweet, acid and liquid articles. They help the germination of parasites of various shapes in the different parts of the body, Ámáśaya (stomach) and Pakváśaya (intestines) being their principal seats or location. 2.

Classification: — The worms or parasites (which are found to germinate and grow in a living human organism) are divided into twenty different species, and have their origin either in feces, Kapha or blood *[1]. Now I shall enumerate their names and characteristic features. 2 — 3.

Names and Symptoms of Purishaja Worms: — The seven kinds of worms which are

  1. • Charaka speaks of another kind viz. Malaja (produced from the external filth of the body), over and above that kind of worms which are present in every organism from the very birth (Sahaja).