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[Chap. LV.

affections (Kushtha) due to the bodily Doshas which, being vitiated, had interfered with the gastric digestion with reactionary acidity and produced the vomiting. Painful swelling of the bladder and of the scrotum, and about the anus as well as suppression of urine, formation of gravels in the bladder and involuntary emission of semen are the symptoms which manifest themselves in a case of repressed seminal discharge. 12-13.

Ungratified hunger brings on drowsiness, aching pain in the limbs, disrelish for food, sense of exhaustion, and weakness of eye-sight. An ungratified thirst brings on dryness of the throat and mouth, dulness of hearing and pain at the heart. A suppression of breath in an exhausted person brings on cardiac troubles, fainting fits and an attack of Gulma. An unindulged sleep produces yawning, aching pain in the limbs, and a sense of heaviness in the limbs as well as in the head and the eyes. It may also bring on drowsiness. 14-17.

Prognosis: — An Udávarta-patient afflicted with thirst and cramps (Śula), vomiting fecal matter and suffering from weakness and a distressing exhaustion should be given up by a wise physician. 18.

General Treatment;— In all forms of Udávarta the preliminary treatment generally consists in restoring the deranged and incarcerated bodily Váyu to its normal course and direction. Now hear me again describe the specific medicinal remedies to be separately employed in each case. 19.

Specific Treatment:— in a case of Vátaja Udávarta the patient should be first treated with a Sneha and Sveda (fomentation) after which medicinal injections should be made into the rectum after the manner of an Ásthápana-vasti. In a case due to the incarceration of feces in the intestines ( Purishaja ), the remedial