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Now we shall discourse on the chapter which deals with the (symptoms and) medical treatment of Vishuchiká type of cholera, etc. (Visuchiká-Pratishedha). 1.

Causes: — Visuchi, Alasaka and Vilambiká are produced from the effects of the three kinds of indigestion spoken of before (in Sutra, chapter XL VI), viz., Ámájirna (indigestion properly so-called), Vidagdhájirna (indigestion with acidity) and Vishtabdhájirna (indigestion with undigested food stuffed into the intestines in the form of undigested fecal matter). 2.

Definition: — The disease in which the deranged and incarcerated bodily Váyu produces, owing to the presence of indigestion, a pricking pain in the limbs resembling that produced by the pricking of needles is called Visuchiká by the physicians. Men well-versed in the (dietetic) principles and temperate in their diet, enjoy an almost absolute immunity from its attack, Whereas fools who are greedy and intemperate and eat like gluttons, fall an easy victim to it. 3.

Symptoms: — Fainting, diarrhoea (loose motions), vomiting, thirst, pain, cramps, vertigo, yawning, burning sensation in the body, discolouring or paleness of complexion, pain (cramps) at the heart and a breaking pain in the head are the symptoms of Visuchiká 4.

Alasaka: — Excessive pain in and stuffedness of the abdomen, rumbling noise (in the intestines),*[1] and the upward coursing of the Váyu incarcerated in the abdomen making a croaking rumbling sound in its way

  1. * According to S'rikantha the commentator on Mádhava's Nidána—the patient himself makes an indistinct sound.