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Chap. LVIII.]

should be kept boiling till all the water is evaporated. A person suffering from an attack of Mutrá-gháta due to the concerted action of deranged Váyu and Pitta should use this medicated milk, when cooled, with sugar and honey. The dung of an ass or of a horse should he squeezed through a piece of linen and a Kudava measure of this expressed liquid should be taken for the cure of an attack of painful urination. 17 — 18.

An Aksha measure of the compound made by pasting Musta, Abhayá, Deva-dáru, Murvá and Yashti-madhu, should be taken with the decoction of Drákshá. Abhayá, Ámalaka and Aksha (Vibhitaka) together weighing a Vadara measure should be taken with salt and water for getting relief in cases of painful urination. An Udumbara measure of Drákshá should be kept saturated in water for the whole night and this cold infusion should be taken (in the morning) forgetting relief in cases of painful urination. A Kudava measure of the expressed juice of Nidigdhiká or the Kalka of the same should be taken with honey as a relief from the urinary complaints. 19.

By taking a Kudava measure of the expressed juice of Ámalaka, 2. person suffering from uninary complaints would get rid of his troubles. In the alternative, the patient should drink a potion consisting of powdered small Elá, dissolved in the expressed juice of Ámalaka (and mixed with honey), or he should take a paste of the tender roots of Tála (palm) with cold rice-washing. The expressed juice of Trapusha and white Karkataka should also be prescribed to be taken with milk in the morning. In the alternative a person should take a potion consisting of milk duly boiled with the drugs of the Madhura group saturated with clarified butter as the compound is possessed of excellent diuretic