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[Chap. LVIII.

Equal parts of Valá, stones of Kola-fruits, Yashti-madhu, Śvadamshtrá (Gokshura), Śatávati, Mrinála (lotus-stem), Kaśeru, seeds of Ikshuraka, Sahasra-viryá (Durbá), Amśumati (Śála-parni), Payasyá (Vidári), Kálá, Śrigâlavinná (Priśniparni), Ati-valá and the drugs of the Vrimhaniya (Kákolyádi) group should be duly boiled with four times of water of their combined weight and a Tulá masure of treacle. When only a Drona measure of water would remain, it should be taken down and strained through a piece of linen. It should then be duly cooked with an Ádhaka measure of clarified butter. The medicated Ghrita (thus prepared) with a Prastha measure of honey added to it (when cooled) should be kept in an earthen pitcher. By using this medicated Ghrita, one would be cured of all urinary troubles.*[1] 29.

Thus ends the fifty-eighth chapter in the Uttara-Tantra of the Sus'ruta Samhitá which deals with the (symptoms and) treatment of the suppression of urine (Mutrágháta).

  1. * Additional Text :— Powders of Tugá-kshiri and sugar should be mixed together with honey and licked in an auspicious day according to the digesting capacity of the patient and a draught of milk should then be taken. By its use the patient would be able to conquer all seminal troubles if he observes a perfect continence. One whose semen has been wasted by sexual excesses would get instantaneous relief; and a man who is possessed of vigour (Ojas) and strength would be refreshed and cheerful.