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[Chap. LIX.

sense of weight or heaviness in the scrotum, penis and bladder, an appearance of goose-flesh (on the skin) and the emission of cold, white and glossy (oily) urine, are the features which mark the Kaphaja type, Burning sensation (in the urethra, etc.), shivering (of the body), frequent emission of urine of varied colours, painful micturition and loss of consciousness are the indications which point to the Sánnipátika origin of the disease which is very hard to cure. 3-6.

The presence of any ulcer in or an injury to the urethra, by any external object gives rise to an extremely distressing stricture in the case of which the characteristic symptoms of Váta-vasti manifest themselves. The suppression of the feces leads to the aggravation of the local Váyu which, in its turn, produces a distension of the abdomen and a suppression of urine accompanied with cramps (in the bladder). 7-8.

Aśmarija and Śarkarája:— Mutrá-gháta (obstructed urination) due to the presence of Aśmari (stone) has been already mentioned (in the Nidána Sthána). Stones and gravels are of similar origin and exhibit similar symptoms. Now hear me describe the symptoms which are the distinguishing traits of a case oi Sarkará (gravel or urinary calculus in the bladder). Flakes or particles of deranged and condensed Kapha when baked (dried ?) by the action of the deranged and aggravated Pitta and severed in pieces by the deranged bodily Váyu, are called Sarkará (gravels) giving rise to such symptoms as cardiac troubles (pain in the heart, etc.), shivering, cramps in the loins, great diminution of the digestive fire, fainting fits and painful and obstructed urination. The pain, however, subsides with the subsidence of the desire for micturition (full evacuation of the bladder), the relief from the pain continuing until