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[Chap. LX.

(Chatwara), etc. of a house at the proper time (viz. at evening); offerings to the Gandharva Grahas should be made with wine and the soup of Jángala animals in the midst of a gathering; while those to the Yaksha Grahas should be made inside a house with the cakes of boiled Másha pulse (Kulmásha), blood; wine, etc. The Pitri Grahas should be propitiated with the offerings made on Kuśa grass together with Mádhavi and and Kunda flowers on the banks of a river; offerings to the Rákshasas should be dedicated in dreadful lonely forests or at the crossing of two roads, while to the Piśáchas cooked or uncooked flesh should be offered in a lonely chamber. 22.

Medical Treatment:— In case the prevalent Mantras enjoined to be recited on such occasions (in works on Demonology) are found to be ineffective the following medical measures, should be employed. Skin and hairs of a goat, a bear, a Śalyaka (porcupine), or of an owl pasted together with Hingu and goat's urine and made, into incense sticks, should be burnt before the patient, who would be fumigated with the fumes emitted therefrom. The attack even of a violent Graha would readily yield to it. The drugs known as Gajapippali, Pippali-roots, Tri-katu, Ámalaka and Sarshapa, duly soaked in the biles of a lizard, mungoose, cat and bear should be employed as unguents, snuffs and wash by an experienced physician. Dungs of an ass, horse, mule, owl, camel*[1], dog, jackal, vulture, crow and boar pasted together with the urine of a she-goat should be duly cooked with an adequate quantity of oil. The oil thus prepared would be beneficial if used (as snuff, etc.) in the preceding manner. 23-25.

  1. * The word in the text is 'Karabha' which many mean a camel or an elephant. Dallana explicitly explains the word as a camel.