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Chap. III

A number of red and heavy (hard) boils or pustules (Pidaká) resembling red mustard seeds attended with pain, itching and exudation is called Pothaki. A rough and large pustule (Pidaká) surrounded by other very small and thick erythematous pustules (covering the entire length of the eye-lid) is called Vartma-Śarkará. 5-6.

Vegetations of small (D. R. soft) and rough papilæ (Pidakâs) on the eye-lid resembling Erváruka seeds and attended with very little pain are called Arśo-vartma. Long, rough, hard, and numbed papilæ (Amkura) on the eye-lid (2) are called Śushkárśas. 7 — 8.

A small, soft, copper-coloured pustule (Pidakâ) appearing on the eye-lid and attended with burning, pricking sensation and a slight pain is called an Anjana. Vegetations of pustules (Pidaká) of equal size (D. R. —attended with hardness) occurring all along the eye-lid and resembling it (or each other) in colour are called Bahala-vartma. 9-10.

Such swelling of the eye-lid attended with an itching sensation and a slight pain as impedes or interferes with its being evenly opened is called Vartma-bandha. A mild and copper-coloured inflammatory swelling of both the eye-lids simultaneously attended with a slight pain and changing suddenly into redness (D. R. — suddenly discharging blood therefrom) is called Klishta-vartma. 11-12.

A case of Klishta-vartma in which the Pitta has deranged and affected the blood and much dirty matter (mucus) is discharged as a consequence is called a case of Vartma-Kardama. A dark brown colour of the eye-lids both internally and externally marked by a

(2) According to Mâdhava, the papilæ in such cases occur in the inner side of the eye-lid.