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If it can be placed in the hands of the ministers and theological students of the United States, I believe it will induce hundreds to read the works of Swedenborg. . . The names of such men as Henry Drummond, Dr. Bushnell, Clowes, Browning, and others, as independent witnesses to the value of E. S.'s writings, will stimulate many an intelligent minister to look into the new truths; and he will not reject them. . . .

"You are right about ministers of other denominations remaining where they are. If I should mention the name of E. S., some of my people would doubtless be offended; but as it is, I preach N. C. doctrine continually, and my people show their approval by their attendance."

A distinguished Congregational minister (a D. D.) writes:—

"I have not yet read much of your 'Cloud of Witnesses,' but enough to see very clearly that the book presents to every candid, truth-seeking mind strong reasons for an unprejudiced examination of Swedenborg's writings."

Another (denomination not known) writes:—

"Your last work, 'A Cloud of Independent Witnesses,' is excellent—just the thing to open the eyes of many even professed Newchurchmen. Indeed, you could not have conferred a greater benefit on mankind, nor produced a better book for the purpose intended."

An intelligent member of the Presbyterian Church writes:—

"Permit me to thank you for the service you