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Publications of the Swedenborg Pub. Association.


By B. P. 12



volumes; averaging 250 pp. each, 4} X 6 inches; neat, in cloth. Price, 40 cts. single vol., postage (5 cts.) extra ; $4.50 the set, postage (50 cts.)



new and cheap edition, cloth-bound, but in 6 volumes. Price, To ministers and $3.25, post-paid; sold only in sets. theological students $2.50 when ordered from the publishers.

This series consists of the choicest selections from Swedenborg's writings, topically arranged, with a full Table of Con tents; and gives a clear and complete view of all the author's religious and ethical teachings in a neat and extremely cheap form. Vol. 12 contains 320 pages, and a beautiful portrait of the author. A pamphlet of 96 pages, giving the Contents of each volume, will be sent gratis on application. THEIR TITLES ARM:

II. Heaven. III. Freedom, Resurrection and the Judgment. Rationality and Catholicity, lv. Divine Providence and its Laws. V. Charity, Faith and Works. VI. Free-Will, Repentance, Reforma tion, Regeneration. VIL Holy Scripture and the Key to its Spiritual Sense. VIIL Creation, Incarnation, Redemption, and the Divine Trinity. IX. Marriage and the Sexes in Both Worlds. X. The Au thor's Memorabilia. XI. The Heavenly Doctrine of the Lord. XII. Swedenborg; with a Compend of his Teachings.

X. Death,

A FEW OF IT8 RECOMMENDATIONS. 1st. It gives the substance of Swedenborg' s teachings in a compact form, and in his own words (translated), with refer ences to the particular works whence the extracts are taken. 2d. It classifies the subjects in a way to render it easy for the reader to find whatever spiritual instruction he may be seeking. 3d. The volumes are of such a convenient size, that one of them may be easily carried in the coat-pocket. 4th. Any volume of the series makes a cheap and beautiful gift-book to a friend, or to any seeker of the highest truths. 5th. Bach volume being complete in itself, may be purchased separately when so desired. 6th. The work is gotten up in very tasteful style, the series making a beautiful as well as valuable addition to any library.


The Swedeneorg Publishing Association,

Germantown, Philadelphia,
