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being allowed to trade were seized by the Japanese garrison there and thrown into prison, where they remained till the following year when they made their escape.

In the autumn of the year 1806 two small Russian men-of-war arrived at Kushunkotan the principal Japanese settlement in Saghalien. The united crews of these two ships amounted to no more than sixty-four or sixty-five men. On arriving at Kushunkotan, we are informed that they fired poison-smoke-guns, after which a party landed in boats and pillaged the godowns, carrying off the rice and whatever other valuables they could find. They also carried off seven or eight of the Aino inhabitants and one Japanese soldier, setting fire to the place before they went. The Russians nailed up a plate of copper on the Tori-i of the temple of Benten with an inscription to the following effect:—

I. It is unjust of the Japanese to prohibit trade with the Russians in Saghalin.

II. If the Japanese should change their minds and wish for trade, they might send a message to Saghalin or Urup.

III. If the Japanese persisted long in refusing justice, the Russians would ravage the northern parts of Japan.

The approach of winter prevented the Russians from carrying their menaces into effect this year. One of the ships retired to Urup for the winter, and the other to Kamschatka.

Meanwhile, the news of the Kushunkotan affair had produced great alarm and excitement. The copper tablet was sent to Yedo, where it seems to have been taken as a declaration of war by Russia. Active preparations were made for repelling any future attacks which might be made. A body of 150 men was despatched at once to Kushunkotan, but arrived too late to be of any service. Two hundred Tsugam soldiers were soon after posted at Soya, a settlement near the northern point of Yezo, and opposite to Kushunkotan. The garrison of Itorup was increased to 200 or 300 men, and by the spring of next year that of Hakodate was raised to about 2,500 men, mostly retainers of the northern Daimios.