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  • “On the Increase of the Flora of Japan;” by Dr. Savatier.
  • “Meteorological observations of Yokohama from 1863 to 1869 inclusive;” by Dr. Hepburn.
  • “A Journey in North East Japan;” by Captain Blakiston, late R. A.

The following paper has been received, and will be read next session.

“Meteorological observations on the Station Nagasaki for 1872;” by—Geerts, Esq.

Of the interest and value of these Papers there has been ample proof in the increased numbers of Resident Members, and of these who attend the Meetings of the Society and partake in the discussions,—the substance of which, in the words of the speakers themselves, will be found incorporated in the Minutes.

Fifty-seven new Members have been added to the Society since the last Report, making the present number 168.

The Treasurer’s account shows a satisfactory balance to the Society’s credit, of $586.22, which amount, however, is subject to an appropriation of $300 for the increase of the Library.

A Revision of the Constitution and By-Laws has been made, and the result printed in conjunction with this Report.

The important subject of meteorological observations has given rise to a Correspondence with the Signal Bureau at Washington, and the appointment of a Committee of this Society to bring the matter to the notice of the Japanese Authorities. The Council consider the plan of synchronous observations, according to the scheme of the Vienna Conference, so important that they feel no hesitation in commending the advocacy of it to the consideration of their successors in office.

Some valuable contributions have been made to the Library and Museum; but the Council feel that, at some suitable time during the coming year, a resolute effort should be made to do something effective in regard to both these departments; also, perhaps, to provide a building suitable for the Society’s business. Meanwhile they have to acknowledge the courtesy of the Managers of the Grand Hotel in furnishing gratuitously convenient accommodation for the holding of periodical Meetings.

On behalf of the Council,

Hon. Sec.