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The river is crossed outside the town by ferry boat. The road winds up to the summit of the sea bluffs some 200 feet in height. Soon after a curious pinnacle rock is observed called “Rosoku iwa” (candle rock) bearing about 14 miles N. of Yoitchi. Then is reached a very pretty junk harbour and village called O-shuro, slightly open to the W. N. W. 9 Junks were moored here and one that had been anchored off Yoitchi (an open anchorage) made sail and stood out into the offing, in consequence of a north-easter and a heavy sea setting in, and bore up for Oshuro. There are three pinnacle rocks, above water in the harbour, and none others. The depth of water at the entrance is 53 feet, inside 24 feet and 20 feet close to the end shore.

From Oshuro the road soon turns inland and crosses the headland which forms the south side of the bay of Ishikari where Otaronai is situated.

The road leads over hills, denuded of timber but covered with short grass. At the highest point there is a fine view of the bay with Otaronai nestling in the most southern corner of it. To the N. W. stretches the great plain of Satsporo. The mouth of the Ishikari river is also visible while on the northern side of the bay are the high mountain ranges above Atsta.

The hills in the vicinity of Otaronai are entirely denuded of timber, and it was said that the roots had been dug out and burnt so as to prevent regrowth.

Otaronai is a thriving town and much building is going on. A swift running stream is conducted through two of the principal streets that are at right angles to the beach. There are numerous large stores where are kept depots of fishing gear fur the Ishikari fisheries; and where fish-manure, oil, seaweed and sea-slug are prepared for export: the trade in these articles is said to be large.

There is a small Lighthouse from whence is exhibited a Harbour Light. The officials seemed numerous, and the Government buildings are large and comfortable in appearance.

A fair quantity of vegetables are grown on the lower