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Were but 30,000 acres cropped with Japanese hemp, (Asa) and the produce exported, how much it would be to the advantage of all concerned the following will shew;

30,000 acres of Hemp=8,533 tons net. Taken at same value as Manila laid down in London viz: £31 per ton represents the sum of £264,523. Sterling—with $ @ 4/ $1,322,615.

But I believe the Japanese hemp would command a far higher price as a material to be used in silk mixtures.

I will now quote the present market price of this commodity in Yokohama.

Muster No. 1 $38 per picul £137.5.6 per ton.

Muster No. 3 $23 per picul 0£83.1.9 per ton.

8533 tons at £137.5.6.=£1,171,367.11.6.

8533 tonsDo. at £083.1.9.=£0,708,239.0.0.

An absurdly high price.

Satsporo to Shin-Mororan via New Road.

The new road from Satsporo to Shin-Mororan viâ Chi-stosi, To-ma-co-my, Shiraoy and Horo-bets about 86 miles.

Soon after leaving Satsporo the road winds up some well timbered hills. The escarps have been cut into the underlying pumice, which material is used to cover the road, the drains and culverts are generally revetted with fascine or hurdle work and the bridges are constructed of rough timber.

The road is kept well on the crest of the hills so as to avoid bridge making, and at last dips into the valley in which Chi Stosi is situated, distance from Satsporo 25 miles.

There is a very large honjin at Chi Stosi, from thence to To-ma-co-my a distance of 17 miles, the road for one half the distance leads over a swampy plain; the subsoil is still pumice.

To-ma-co-my is situated on the sea shore on the Kast coast of Yeso. There is a large honjin, and close by is the fishing station. Here they catch fish something like a sardine and also herrings which are boiled down, the oil extracted and the residue, dried packed and exported for manure.