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is spread to dry. Aino women armed with bows and blunted arrows kept watch and ward over the manure to prevent the dogs from purloining it.

There are forty Aino and fourteen Japanese houses in Horobets and the population is stated to be, Ainos about 300. Japanese about 100.

300 Kokus of salmon were caught here in 1872; also, 100 kokus of seaweed (kobu) wore exported.

Near here are two hot sulphur springs, and some eight miles distant amongst the hills much native sulphur of fair quality is found.

There are plenty of ponies. They are kept on the hills all through the winter; when wanted Ainos are sent out (mounted) to catch them. Ainos are very expert horsemen and soon turn sufficient to form a drove of some twenty or thirty into one of the mountain paths leading to the corral at the station: down the paths they gallop, and are skilfully headed for the entrance to the corral, into which they are driven. A selection is then made of the number required for work and the remainder are turned back to the hills from whence they came.

Horo-bets to Shin-Mororan, distance 121/2 miles. The road leads along the plain parallel to the sea. The upper layer of pumice, before noticed at To-ma-co-my, &c. here thins out and almost ceases about five miles from Horobets.

The soil is light and the plain is covered with good pasture and some clumps of dwarf oak. The hills at back are well wooded. Having passed the plain the road winds up some hills of scoria and pumice, well grassed and timbered; further on is a fortified barrack situated at the junction of the old Mororan road with the new road leading to Shin-Mororan. Soon after the bay (Endermo) on the shores of which Shin-Mororan is built comes into view. The road here is most skilfully led through some very pretty well wooded hills. On the right is an extensive and swampy plain covered with plume grass. Well wooded hills of considerable altitude form the back ground: the road at last descends to the harbour beach and then is