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4. Intrenching Tool Equipment 38

5. The Load of the Infantryman 39
  Comparison of the loads carried by infantrymen in various armies 40


1. The Issue of Orders 41
  Trumpet signals 41

2. The Purpose of Formations. Comparison Between Line and Column 42
  Assembly and route formations 42
  Maneuver and combat formations 43
  Napoleonic columns 44
  Comparison between line and column 44
  The origin of column tactics 44

3. The Company 46
  (a) Formation of the company 46
    Number of ranks 46
    Interval and distance 47
    Front and facing distance 48
  (b) Division of the company into three or four platoons 48
    Losses among officers 50

4. Length of Pace and Marching 53
  Comparison (table) 54
  Double time 55

5. Movements of the Company in Line 56

6. The Columns of the Company. Movements in Column. Formation of Line 56
  Column of twos 56
  Column of squads 57
  Route column 57
  Column of fours 58
  Double column of squads 59
  Comparison of column of fours with column of squads 59
  The importance of the squad 59
  The employment of the column of squads 59
  Company column 60
  Column of platoons 61
  Column of sections 61
  Guidon flags 63
  Posts of platoon commanders 63
  Movements in column 64
  Suggestions made by Colonel Fumet, French Army 65