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  • ployed by artillery against animate objects, provided these are

not located immediately in rear of parapets, within tall timber, or under bomb-proofs. This projectile is ineffective against such cover on account of the flatness of the trajectory and the sensitiveness of the fuze.

Shrapnel is to be supplemented by shell filled with explosive charge, model '88, which has a great explosive effect at extreme ranges and in tall timber. (See pars. 159-160 German F. A. F. R., in regard to action against shielded batteries).

Percussion shell, on account of its very sensitive fuze, bursts on penetrating the shield, while percussion shrapnel goes entirely through the shield and bursts about 1/2 m. in rear of it. Percussion Shell, Model '96.

Targets located immediately in rear of parapets or under light splinter proofs may be reached with time shell burst directly over or close in front of them. The depth of the beaten zone of this projectile is small, seldom exceeding 50 m., even when the fire is directed against targets in the open. About 75% of all the fragments are capable of inflicting disabling wounds when the interval of burst is short. The peculiar character of the projectile necessitates a very careful adjustment in range and in height of burst. The French obus allongé, a high explosive percussion shell (melinite charge; angle of the cone of dispersion exceeds 100 degrees) is employed only for the destruction of material objects.[1]

  1. When firing on animate objects, the beaten zone of this projectile does not exceed a space 50 m. wide and 20 m. deep, but the concussion of the explosion will undoubtedly be felt at a greater distance. The explosive effect of the projectile is equivalent to that of 30 kg. of powder. The explosion of the projectile produces a cone-shaped crater having a diameter of 2 and a depth of 0.50 m. Ten melinite shells per running meter are required to destroy a parapet 3 m. thick and 2.30 m. high.