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Route column from line is formed by the guns moving successively in the proper direction, the two ammunition pack animals following directly in rear of the gun to which they belong. The company takes up a road space of 150 m. For movements off the road the company may move in "mass," or with the platoons in "combat formation." When in "mass" the platoons, each in route column, are abreast, with intervals of 10-20 paces between them. When the platoons are in "combat formation," the two guns of each are placed abreast at equal intervals.

Platoon In Route Column.

The three machine gun companies assigned to the line of fortifications consist of two to three platoons, each of four guns. A platoon consists of 2 officers and 60 non-commissioned officers and privates. The men are armed with rifles and equipped with alpine sticks. "Gun carriers" (Waffenwarte) carry the gun basket, which weighs 33 kg. The weight of the water in the jacket is only 1 kg. "Ammunition carriers" (Munitionswarte) carry the ammunition in specially constructed frames, each man carrying 500 rounds.

Kinds of fire: "Fire by a single gun" is employed at the opening of an action to drive away patrols and reconnoitering officers, when it is not desired to betray the presence of machine guns to the enemy.

"Volley fire" is the usual fire employed by machine guns and corresponds to the volley fire of infantry. After the target and the elevation have been designated, the platoon commander directs that fire he opened by calling the name of the gun pointer who is to fire. A pause is made after every series of 20-30 shots, which is used to make necessary corrections.